The story of Luca and Nora Chapter 3: That's not what happend!

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< It's been a few days since Luca has been taken to jail for what happend to Nora, he's sitting in his jail cell just staring at the wall when a police officer comes in to take him to the investigators office>

Officer: Sir, you need to come with me, the investigator needs to talk to you.

Luca: Euh..ok alright

<They walk into the office>

Investigator: Goodmorning, have a seat.

Luca: Thank you..

Investigator: Well i'll just get right to the point, we need to let you stay longer in jail because everything point to you as the suspect to what happend to Mrs Fowler.

Luca: But i didn't do it! I swear i found her like that!

Investigator: I think it's better that we wait until your lawyer can come here to talk about it.

Luca: But it's not what happend! I swear!

Investigator: Sir, i understand that you're upset but it's better that we wait for your lawyer ok?

Luca: Sorry sir, sorry..

<The investigator nods and signs that the officer can take Luca back to his cell>

Investigator: We'll keep you updated ok?

Luca: Thank your sir..

< He's been taken back to his cell and gets so mad that he throws stuff around and breaks down in to tears and falls a sleep on the floor in fetal position>

< His cell door opens really early in the morning and Luca wakes up still sleepy>

Luca: What's going on, who's there?

<Chris walks in>

Chris: I'm taking you home..

Luca: But how..

< Chris runs up to Luca and hugs him>

Chris: We found footage of a potential suspect who might me be involved with the attack on Nora

Luca: Thank you, Thank you..

<The next afternoon when Luca had a   good sleep, he is on his way to the hospital to see Nora, he walks into her room and sees her put to sleep with a breathing tube and IV's attacht on her>

Luca: I'm so so sorry i wasn't there at that moment that this happend to you..

< He gently grabs Nora's hand>

Luca: I wish i got to you sooner to protect you.. Please keep fighting, we need you in our team..

< Then Nora's hand moves and squeezes Luca's hand, he startles..>

Luca: Nora? Can you hear me?

The story of Luca and Nora chapter 2: I'm ok..Where stories live. Discover now