Dance Practise

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All of the members were in the practise room, rehearsing some of their songs they'll perform when they go on tour. The members were beginning to get tired and all wanted to rest. But Taehyung was so concentrated on his solo parts and not messing up his words when dancing along to mic drop that he hardly realised that the other members were packing up their bags and clearing, the boy was dedicated in perfecting his art. The other members knew each of them wanted to do their best when performing on stage and were satisfied with what they practised.

"Hey, Taehyung you coming?", Jimin called from the door, looking back at the younger boy as he intensily watched himself in the large mirrors. There was no reply, erging the elder to walk over to the boy and repeat himself, "hey, Taehyungie, everyone has left, come and eat with me tonight".

Taehyung stopped and paused the music that was playing through his ear phones. "Jimin. Am I good enough?", the younger boy looked down slightly down at the elder boy, his eyes large and sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Taehyung, you do so well all the time, you don't need to keep constantly pushing yourself, you might get ill", Jimin replied as he cupped Taehyung's face while caressing the other's cheeks with his figertips. Taehyung was used to this sort of affection and visvera, as the two had known eachother for so long and were both very comfortable with one another. Taehyung smiled slightly into the other's touch and let hismelf relax for a second.

"Thank you hyung, let me practise a little more then we can go somewhere", Taehyung paused and looked back to the mirror where the pair's reflections stood.

"Haha, look how small you look, I didn't think I was this tall", Taehyung pressed his side against Jimin's and raised his hand above his and Jimin' head. Jimin blushed and squinted his nose up as a response to the elder's teasing.

"Just because you're slightly taller than me doesn't mean you're bigger in other departments too", Jimin almost mumbled but half anounced his thoughts with heart. Almost regretting the choice of words as soon as he saw Taehyung quick to prove himself.

"Ah you think so huh? Hmmm, is this a test hyung?", Taehyung raised an eyebrow while speaking, talking to Jimin through his reflexion in the mirror. Now the younger's hand went to Jimin's waist and squeezed firmly, before turning the elder straight towards himself and bringing their bodies close enough to feel one another's heart beats.

"Do you feel it? Do you feel it hyung?", Taehyung spoke with his mouth open, grinning and making sure Jimin's full frame was pressed strongly against his own, knowing soon enough the other would be able to feel the full length that was steadily hardening in his lower regions. Taehyung didn't have much to turn him on to this point but just the images that wondered his mind after his hyung declared this 'funny opinion' was enough to raise his heart beat.

Jimin felt flushed, so closely pressed with another guy. Not just any random guy but someone that hes known for years and has emotionally grown with is just another level of feeling. Taehyung has usually always been just a bigger build then himself but to be shown it so well was making the elder hard. Jimin could feel Taehyung's growing eagerness against his tummy, making his stomach turn in anticipation.

"I don't know", the words were mumbled and not truthfully said, Jimin knew, but he wanted Taehyung to show him just how big he was declaring.

"Oh this isn't enough, ay?", Taehyung raised an eyebrow and started walking the pair of them backwards so much so they ended up pressed to a wall. One of Taehyung's hands stabalizing Jimin's frame beneath him and the other making its way to the front of Jimin's pants. The smaller boy looked up and smiled fondly as he watched Taehyung start to unbuckle and free the clothing keeping him decent. "Not just me", Jimin spoke and reached for Taehyung's baggy trousers, pressing his palm flat against the others groin, Jimin started to stroke the length that was pressed to Taehyung's stomach.

"Oh, this is how you harden", Jimin spoke with tease in his tone and smile in his voice. Taehyung pulling out Jimin's member from his underwear, gripping it tightly before curling a finger over the tip to recieve a satisfied reaction. "You're already leaking hyung", Taehyung mentioned deeply.

"You don't need to state the obvious Taehyungie", Jimin blushed hard, after slipping his hand into the other's trousers wanting to feel his member. In realisation Jimin fumbles his small hands with the thicker, larger length that belongs to his hyung. Eyes a little wider in suprise, this reaction doen't go unnoticed by Taehyung, "Pft, now do you belive me", Taehyung smiled into his words.

Taehyung pulled away and started walking back, as if to continue practise knowing he had won the test Jimin dared.

"You can't stop now", Jimin whined, his face flushed and eyes filled with desperation. Taehyung looked back his smile slowly dropping as he watched Jimin glide his pants to the floor and shirt move over his head, leaving the boy in his underwear.

"Come here", Jimin called for Taehyung, to which the boy did follow. Jimin grabbed the waistband of Taehyung's trousers and drew them to his knees, while crouching down so he was level with the others croutch. While still keeping eye contact, Jimin was quick to expose Taehyung and play with him, taking his tip between his lips and lightly sucking.

"We don't have to-", Taehyung was cut off when Jimin took all of what was provided in his mouth, swallowing and swallowing, wanting to constrict his throat around his big friend. Taehyung couldn't help but groan loudly at this, loving the tight feeling his cock was eclosed in. Jimin was one for praise and just watching the other become desperate was enough. Moving his lips back and forth while massaging Taehyung's balls, this was what he wanted to do. Jimin knew he wanted his mouth to be stuffed full and it felt more exciting that it was someone who was usually innocent.

"C-um in my mouth", Jimin gasped before connecting again with Taehyung's dripping member. Taehyung watched as his cock disapeared into Jimin's mouth, his stomach turning just by the luid site. "Mmnhm, oh this feels, good", Taehyung moaned over and over, pressing bucking his hips with spead into Jimin's sucks. Releasing his seed into the other's mouth with force.

"Come here", Taehyung bent down and pulled back Jimin's hair out of his face and watched as hid jaw hung loosly while a mixture of sperm and saliva trickled from his tounge. Taehyung pressed his tounge against Jimin's, openly kissing him and fighting for the liquids in his mouth. Liking the sloppy mess of a kiss that it was, Taehyung noticed Jimin had came untouched, reaching down and scooping up the warm mess he had left and placed his fingers in Jimin's mouth.

"Suck, thats what you taste like", Taehyung watched in lust as Jimin sucked and swirled his tounge around Taehyung's long digits. The pair knew what had happened didn't change their friendship much but the fact that they felt good in each others hands.


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