3: "Just How Close is Home?"

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It's finally the end of a ridiculously long day. My neck hurts from bending down to my computer and I'm sick of Bright's irritating thoughts every time he leans over for an eraser or a pen or a folder or a.. well, for every item of stationary you can imagine. Today, the man has been a menace!

And now, he's leaning into me and thinking too loud.

I wonder if Arthit would consider helping me out. But I don't want to ask him since he's already done some overtime this week. I suppose I could meet my friends next week instead.. I just hate to miss out on the bonding. I miss everyone so much since I moved to Bangkok.

He sounds stressed and sad. And when I move my elbow away from him, I chance a glance at his face and see that he also looks that way too. Bright might be annoying. He might flirt with me so much I flush like a cherry. He might sometimes take credit for my ideas... a little. But he's loyal and funny and generous and kind.

I've seen him help out the lower level staff when he thinks no-one is looking. I've seen him make our cleaner, Mar, a cup of tea too.

So, I think I should give him a break if I can.

"What are you working on?" I ask as I slide a little closer.

"Nothing exciting. I have to finish the budget for the new project." He eyeballs me as I gather the file from his hand and glance down at the neatly presented columns and figures.

"Looks like a lot of work?"

"It is.. I was hoping to.. I mean.. I was.. Ah never mind."

"Want some help to get it done?"

There's a moment when I can see him thinking about whether he should let me, so I persevere.

"I'm happy to help.. or take over if you have somewhere to be?"

His face brightens like his name and he nods, "That would be amazing, if you're sure?"

I nod and slide all of his paperwork onto my desk while he hastily packs his things.

As he shoulders his bag, he drops a hand to my shoulder and squeezes, "Thanks so much."

I wonder if Kongpob would be interested in joining me for a drink before I meet my friends?

I shrug his hand off and glance around the office to see that, indeed, Kongpob is still here, tapping away on his laptop in the far corner. As I watch, Bright approaches him and they exchange words.

Eventually, with a shake of his head, Kongpob stands and Bright leaves.

I drop my head back to my work as Kongpob stretches out his sore muscles, keeping my gaze averted until I think he must be done. But when I lift my head I gasp in surprise to find Kongpob standing over me, eyes tracing the documents in my hand.

"Can I help you, Arthit?"

I shuffle the papers nervously, "I think I'm okay thanks. It shouldn't take me long."

But Bright shouldn't have left you with his work to do.

Kongpob rests his elbow against mine as he takes Bright's chair. "I don't mind. It's my project too, after all?"

I nod weakly and hand him half of the paperwork, sliding myself to a distance so we can't accidentally touch.

It's almost another hour before we're done. But soon, we are, and it feels good to put another project to bed, so when Kongpob enthusiastically suggests a quick dinner at the place nearby, I find myself agreeing, even though I know it's not a good idea.

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