"Is the process still viable? That is a rather complex web to navigate" Vision asked, tilting his head to study the screen. 

"I never said this would be easy, but I am a genius and I stand by my work and this is the best chance you have of getting Y/N to want to put all off this back together" Shuri responded, gesturing to the screen. 

Wanda and Nat walked over to join the others, after having spoke privately for a few moments about the situation in front of them. They had agreed Nat would be the best person to do this, she was Y/N's best friend and helped her through a number of things before so knew how to get through to her in bad situations. 

"Alright I think that's enough talking, shall we get started?" Nat said as she hopped up onto the bed opposite Y/N. 

"Good to see you've been working on patience Natasha, since I last saw you" Shuri teased with a smile as she came over and attached the same wires and monitors to Nat. 

"Come on Shuri you know Nat and patience don't go in the same sentence" Tony grinned as she sat down on one of the stools by the screens. 

Wanda came to stand beside Nat and smiled at her. 

"No pressure, but I'd really appreciate it if you could bring the love of my life back in one piece, okay?" Wanda said as she looked over at Y/N on the other table. 

"I promise I will do everything that I can, now go and sit beside her" Nat smiled back at Wanda.

Wanda nodded and she went over, taking one of the other stools and putting it beside the table Y/N was on. She sat down and took Y/N's hand gently in her own, hoping that the next time Y/n opened their eyes they would remember who they were and who she was to them. 

"Okay, you'll feel a slight shock Nat and then you'll be in Y/N's mind. I'm not sure where you'll land but it should be wherever she's hiding" Shuri explained as she readied the sequence and then initiated it to start. 

"Now we wait" Tony sighed watching the screens adjust and show Nat and Y/N's minds linking. 


Steve hesitated as he moved into position with Lexa, they'd scoped out the entire building and had figured out that there were at least eight guards inside for them to deal with before they'd get to Sharon. 

"Why can't we just blow the place up? It would be a lot more efficient than lurking in dark alleys" Yelena said sarcastically over the comms pieces they all had in. 

"Yelena we are not here to kill Sharon, please remember that" Steve replied as he glanced over the alley opposite to where he and Lexa were. 

"So boring" Yelena mumbled. 

"Yelena I can still hear you" Steve laughed slightly shaking his head. 

Lexa smiled slightly at the interaction between Yelena and Steve, she was glad she wasn't the only one that Yelena enjoyed winding up. She noticed as a few guys exited the building, getting into one of the SUV's that were parked up outside. 

"Looks like now would be a good time to make a move, looks like the building is lighter a few guards now" Lexa said stepping round Steve and making toward the fire exit they'd established as the entry point. 

Steve covered Lexa as she broke the door open, checking to make sure they hadn't drawn any attention to themselves. The plan was for him and Lexa to enter the building and get to Sharon whilst Clint and Yelena held back to monitor any new arrivals or to block any escape Sharon might try to make. 

"Try not to steal all the fun, I mean if you want to let a couple of people get out of the building we'd appreciate it" Yelena piped up as she lent against the wall, unimpressed that her and Clint were on guard duty outside. 

"Don't worry little widow, I'm sure you can survive without beating someone black and blue on one mission" Lexa teased her girlfriend before closing the comms channel so her and Steve could concentrate on making their way through the building. 

Yelena huffed as the comms line when silent, she peered round the corner of the alley only for Clint to pull her back again. 

"Come on, this isn't the kind of place that you want to start trouble in" Clint warned as he kept a close eye on the people walking past. 

"Fine, but you have to promise me that later on you'll let me use your bow one time" Yelena said as she hopped up and sat on one of the containers in the alleyway. 

"You think I'm going to trust you with my bow? I think not" Clint chuckled as he looked at the monitor on his wrist, it showed two blue dots moving through the building. 


Steve and Lexa made their way up through the stairwell, they checked each floor they passed and were confused when they found there wasn't anyone there anymore. They'd been sure that they would have run into someone by now. 

"This is weird right?" Lexa frowned as they cleared another floor, there were only two more before they would reach the penthouse apartment. 

"Definitely weird, but maybe they've bunkered down in the apartment. Sharon could be paranoid about us coming for her" Steve reasoned as he took the last flight of stairs two at a time, his body tensing in anticipation of a fight. 

They both pushed through the door, covering one another as they entered the penthouse apartment. They braced themselves for the flurry of attacks that would come but as they looked around they found that it was deserted just like everywhere else had been. 

"Okay I'm calling it, this Sharon chick is crazy good at getting away from us. It's kind of embarrassing" Lexa sighed as she made her way over to a desk by the floor to ceiling windows in the lounge area. 

There was a briefcase on the desk and Lexa holstered her gun as she unclipped the locks on it. As she lifted the top of the briefcase a wire inside tripped and an explosion shook the entire floor, sending Lexa flying backwards and through the windows, hurtling toward the ground hundreds of feet below. 

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