Big Apple Baby-Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"You think this is easy for me?" I yelled as my grief turns into anger, Dean turned around slowly to face me, his face blank but I could see pain in his eyes.

        "I have to live with nine months of being teased and scolded. I have to give birth to this baby. And I have to give up my WHOLE LIFE to take care of this child. Do you really think I'm ready for this? DO YOU?" I scream at him and his face turned to a sad expression, he turned to look at his friends who were snickering and still whispering for him to dump me. He turned to face me again but this time his face was cruel and cold,

       "Have you considered abortion?" He sneered at me cruelly and walked away with his friends. I didn't have the strength to call after him again, I simply collapsed to the ground and began to sob, Maya was next to me in a flash,

        "Car Keys" I whispered and she passsed me the keys. Before she could follow me I bolted out of the school, ignoring the snickers and sneers of all the cruel people who didn't understand. I jumped in the car and drove out of the parking lot at full speed. I spotted Maya sighing and walking back into the school as I drove away. How could Dean do this to me? He loves me!

Well you kinda did this to him... The voice that is always in the back of my head says quietly.

SHUT UP! I screamed at it, and yes, I do talk back to the voice in my head!

Only stating the truth... It said back and I sighed.

I know... I answered sadly. I knew the Dean I had met a year ago would have never done this to me, he would have stayed with me and comforted me all the way through this... He would have told me everything would be all right. But what could I say, popularity had changed Dean. He used to be a geek, a sweet, funny geek, but I had seen past his big glasses button up shirts and vest's and saw what he could be, so I transformed him, I took off his glasses, cut his hair, bought him new clothes, got him a gym subscription and let me tell you he was now the hottest and most popular guy in our school and until minutes ago he had been mine. I let tears blur my vision as I parked in my driveway, I knew my parents would not be home because my dad works as a lawyer and my mother was his secretary. Weird right? I went into the kitchen and saw a piece of chocolate cake on the table. What the...? I walked up and saw a note underneath it.

Dear Riley,

I made you a piece of chocolate cake sweetheart, I know it's your favorite! I hope all went well at school today darling. Your father and I will be out till 7pm tonight, could you make dinner for you and your sister? I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Please take a look at the papers I have printed out for you. I love you lots Baby, Bye Bye!

Love Mommy!

       What the hell? Why is she being so nice? I thought she wished I wasn't her daughter so she didn't have to put up with the embarrassment?

       That's when I noticed the papers she had told me to read, I stared at them in shock. She.Got.Me.Papers. About.ABORTION?!? I glared  at the papers furiously and clenched my teeth. No wonder she was being so nice. She wants me to kill my baby! No longer hungry I throw the half eaten cake in the garbage and ripped up the papers.

       I would never kill the innocent soul that lives inside me. And I would say that I was going to give the baby up for adoption... But I can't. Cause although some children are happy with their adoptive parents, others are tossed from home to home or abused or thrown out onto the street... And I could not risk that for the child inside me. Plus don't think I could live my life knowing I had a child and never knowing who they were... So adoption is out. And I can't stay here anymore. My parents refuse to think of me as their daughter unless I do what they want and kill the life inside me. My older sister thinks I'm a disappointment, the boy I love doesn't want me while I carry his baby and the whole school will ridicule and bully me until I snap. I'm not staying in this beautiful but awful town that I have lived in my whole life, I can't take it anymore.

       I ran upstairs to my room and got onto my laptop. 30 minutes later I have arranged a plane to get me out of here. I sat down at my desk and took out a piece of paper and started to write my goodbyes to the people who matter most to me. Dean, my parents, Maya, and Carrie. I don't have any good friends at school so there is no one to say goodbye to there... I wrote one anyway.

Friends from school, I started to write, I have to say some sort of goodbye to them, Right?

I would like to thank you all for just being you. I mean, Cheerleading squad, you guys are amazing and I hope you don't judge me to much for being, well , you know... Pregnant. And Brit? I'm hoping that as I give my place to you as Cheer captain or whatever you want to call yourself, that you lead us all to victory.

Samuel, although I don't know you too much I know you are trustworthy and brave, please try and bring Dean's now oversized ego down once and a while. He needs to learn who he actually is.

Julie, Sorry for snapping at you. I feel bad that that's the last impression you had of me! You are seriously kind hearted. So i guess this is goodbye.

I finished that letter and took out another piece of paper,

Mom and Dad,

I love you both. Even if you haven't been there for me most of my life, I hope you'll understand my disappearance. Please don't bother looking for me.

I took another piece of paper out of my desk,

Maya and Carrie,

Carrie, I look up to you and am so sorry for what I've done to myself and this family. I'm sad that your last impression of me is a bad one. I love you sis. Goodbye.

Maya, Thanks for being with me in everything I've done. For accepting as I am. I love you so much baby sis. Take care of yourself and the family. Thank you...

And I took the last piece of paper out of my desk,


No matter how much your decision to dump me costs myself, I will always love you and I promise to take care of our baby. I love you so much Piggy... You just have no idea how much... I'm glad that you are happy with your newly found popularity. I will take care of our child and myself. This is the last you'll hear of me. I love you more then my heart can handle.

- Love Raindrops(Riley)

 (And you must kinda think i'm crazy because i called him Piggy, but it's his nickname and mine is Raindrops(Obviously)...)

With tears flowing down my face I kissed the letter for Dean and then went to my closet. I grabbed my travel bag and began to throw random clothes inside. I took a look at all the pictures that littered my room and stuffed them in my bag as well, a bag of potato chips, makeup, hairbrush, toothbrush, all the money from my parents hidden stash behind their wedding picture counting up to 1000 dollars, (Who hides $1000 behind a picture?).  I added a lollipop and my bag was packed. With that I picked up my phone and called a cab while running out to the kitchen and dropping the letters all over the table, I then ran out with my bag and waited for the Taxi. I started munching on the chips, and by the time my taxi came they were gone. Great now i'm gonna starve. I climbed into the taxi.

"Where 'm I bringing y'all?" He said with a strong accent and I smiled a small smile at him, "To the airport sir," I said quietly with my hands on my stomach, "Gothcha!" He said cheerfully and stepped on the gas.

I saw the town that I grew up in passing away in a blur. I knew this would be the last time I would ever see it, yet I still closed my eyes.

New York, New York, Here I come.

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