chapter ten

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george's point of view

Silence followed my question. I didn't really know what I expected as an answer but it clearly wasn't nothing.

My gaze traveled from Sap to Dream and back. They seemed to communicate via thoughts, but I couldn't read their facial expressions clearly, so I waited.

With growing worry, I realised how Dream made himself smaller and smaller on the chair he was sitting in, almost, as if he wished to be somewhere else. Or to disappear. And when I looked closer, he also avoided any eye contact, to me and to Sap, his fists clenching together.

He behaved weird. Since I arrived, he had barely even talked to me while usually we were on call for hours. He looked pale and tired, just as if he was sick and when I thought about it, I actually never had seen him eating a single time since yesterday. It was certainly not what I had expected when I decided to fly over a whole goddamn ocean.

Something was clearly off, that was obvious. But still, nobody moved or even said something. Including me. I had the feeling that if I made the tiniest motion, they would never answer my question.

So I just continued on inspecting every single one of their motions or facial expressions. Nick was clearly fighting with the urge to burst out and tell me everything, his glance wandering over to Dream then and there, almost as if he was asking for allowance to tell me.

Dream on the other hand had lost all the color that was left in his face, if that was even possible. His eyes were forcefully glued to the floor, not daring to look up while his hands were starting to tremble. He seemed on edge and like he was about to cry, but at the same time it looked like he could murder a whole kindergarden.

I slowly put my hand on his shoulder, trying to show him that it was okay and that he could tell me whatever was going on in his head. But all he did was flinch back before burying his head in his sweater palms.

"Hello? Can someone please say something?" I asked after what seemed like another five minutes of awkward silence and glances. I was becoming more and more annoyed and impatient. What could possibly be that bad?

And besides, we were friends! I wanted them to be happy, which apparently wasn't the case. I wanted them to trust me with their problems, which wasn't the case either.

I noticed Nick shortly looking at Dream again, who slightly shook his head.

The sting I instantly felt in my heart almost made me let out a sob. He clearly didn't want me to know about the secret. Why didn't he trust me? After everything I had told him. After all those sleepless night where he had listened to me crying about the most stupid things...

Sapnap hesitantly cleared his throat, slowly looking back in my direction.

"It's- hard to explain. Would you mind if we told you later?" He tried to make excuses but to be honest, it would've been easier if he just told me that I wasn't supposed to know.

I knew I should probably just keep quiet and wait until they got over the burden that kept them from telling me the truth but I couldn't. I saw Dream suffering and it was the most painful thing to me.

"Actually, yes. Yes I do mind" I replied, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
I needed to know what was going on and I needed to know it now.

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