He looks around the class.

"Falling in love."

I words come out before I have a chance to stop myself, I cover my mouth with my hand.

"Falling in love? Care to elaborate Miss. Young?" Mr. Churn says.

Good job Tessa, way to go.

God I hate myself.


Confidence Tessa, Confidence.

I take a breath, it's not like anyone in here knows.

"Well earlier this year I met someone, he made me happy and he made me laugh. I don't think I've even met someone like him in my whole entire life, and I fell in love with him so fast......I guess that should have been my first red flag.........I just don't understand how it all happened so fast............I've never felt this way about anyone before, I would have done anything for him......."

I stop to get my thoughts in order.

"But he hurt me, he hurt me in ways that only he could.........and I thought that our love could pull us through anything but that's when I realized that I was the only one loving in our relationship................there he is overflowing with my love and here I am begging for a droplet of his......................and I thought he loved me..........I really thought he did.................but that's when I realized......... love is a few seconds of pleasure for an eternity of pain and suffering................lies and betrayal...........the only person that can truly love you is yourself because no one actually cares about anyone."

And here I am, crying in the middle of class.

I wipe my face with my sleeve and watch as my professor stares at me with a blank face.

"Well.............thank you for sharing with us Miss. Young."

I get up and run out of the room, I run down the hallway and burst into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me, I pace around the bathroom while I try to control my breathing. I close my eyes and try to calm myself down.

"It's fine Tessa, it's fine..........just breathe."

I open me eyes and walk over to the sink, I splash my face with some water before I grab some paper towels and dry my face. I open the door and walk back into the classroom, all the eyes dart to me while I walk across the room and sit down in my seat.

"Mr. Churn, I have a regret I would like to share."

I turn around and see that it's the new kid.

"Go ahead Brian."

Brian shifts in his seat.

"A few years ago my girlfriend was diagnosed with cancer...............it was too far along to treat and I knew that my days were numbered..............I was just so mad and I had so much anger built up inside me. I am a man of faith and I couldn't understand why god would let something like this happen to anyone."

He takes breath obviously holding back tears.

"I was so busy being angry that I didn't cherish the time I had left with my girlfriend, I regret not spending time with her. I regret being so angry with god when really I should have been focused on my girlfriend ."

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