chapter two

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hazles pov:

i eat a piece of toast in a small little cafe i had seen on the ride to my hotel. im eating a piece of toast with a bottle of water. i stare out the shiny window and im one hundred percent... i see one of the lifeguards.

he walks in looking round. who is that?

he had long, curly, blonde hair, blue eyes that... god.

look lovely and blue. such a pretty colour. he's medium height and has such a strong accent. he looks over at me and flashes me a smile.

he sits down a seat away from me and i can't stop stealing glances at him. go on hazel. ask him. I mentally sigh to myself. "excuse me!" i speak nervously.

the young male looks at me, "yes?"

"do you work at bondi beach by any chance?" he nods his head slowly, confusion seeming to roam his face.

"i'm hazel. one of the-" before i can say anything else i stop. he is now opposite me, staring at me with a welcoming smile.

"it's lovely to meet you hazel." he nervously sticks out his hand and i shake it. "im jethro."

"yes i know, i um watch you guys on youtube." i smile finishing my piece of toast.

he looks at me and chuckles softly, "of course you do." he pauses looking around the cafe which smelt of bacon sandwiches. "anyways, would you like to walk down to bondi with me? i know it's only round the corner."

i smile, "id love too. just let me finish my drink and we can go." i finish my hot chocolate and pay for everything then we leave together.

as we stroll down the hill we begin to talk about bondi. "how long have you worked at bondi then?" i ask.

he chuckles looking down at the beach as we begin to get closer, "a good few years now. i think it's coming up on six."

i smile, "congrats." we walk down the sandy concrete and towards the tower. he just nods his head and asks:

"so? your from england? what's it like over there?"

"cold." i laugh. he shows a small smile. "yeah it's good, the people can be nice. it's a nice place to be fair."

he smiles, "always wanted to visit there."

i elbow him and grin, "well if i ever get sick of this place, ill have to take you with me." he looks at me and chuckles.

i don't think ill ever get sick of this place.

he pushes open the tower door and i clench my fists.
i really hope they like me... as we walk up the small staircase i hear voices. a couple of men with strong accents.

jethro walks up first saying hello and then i pop up. i notice a couple of them from harris's instgram. they all smile at me. "you must be hazel." one of the young tanned boys say standing up and sticking out his hand.

i smile nodding my hand, "it's lovely to meet you."

harrisons pov:

"so? jethros on soon right?" harris asks with a smile. jake nods and i smile. jethro is so easy to talk to, and is such a cool guy to hang around with, especially with his blonde hair.


if i do say so myself.

"also! hazels coming in later."

i raise an eyebrow.

"shes a new lifeguard bruce recruited, from england." harris explains while jake begins to chuckle spinning around on his chair.

"have you spoke to her?" i ask, watching jake in amusement.

"eh, kind of. we spoke last night. she said she'd pop down today some time."

i smile, that's cool. we'll be meeting the new lifeguard before she actually joins!


i hear a voice and instantly recognise it to be lifeguard jethros. he walks up with a young lady who looks around at us nervously smiling.

"you must be hazel." i say sticking out my hand.

her eyes meet mine and she has light blue eyes. they were a nice colour. she smiles, sticking her hand out which is slightly pail with freckles over it. "it's lovely to meet you."

i hear jake chuckle which makes her frown. "jake!" harris snaps. she looks behind me smiling. "sorry." harris finishes, "jake is very..." he pauses narrowing his eyes at him, "immature."

she laughs nodding her. from what ive gathered
so far. she's very quiet, likes to keep to herself but she seems nice. i can't wait to get to know her.

"harrison, why don't you show her round?" harris asks after the conversation dies down.

"sure." i smile, standing up and leading hazel out of the tower. "so, have you came with anyone from england? boyfriend? parents?"

we walk side by side and she shakes her head, "i don't have a boyfriend and my parents are back in england with my sister."

i nod. "how old are you?" i ask as we walk down to the south end where whippet and mouse were.

"i turned twenty about a month ago."

"ah cool." i say as we approach the rhino. she's only a few years younger then me in a way.

the boys look towards us whippet instantly smiling, "someone mentioned a new young lady coming down."

hazel laughs, "well here i am. im hazel." she hands out her hand shaking whippets and mouses.

"we're not interviewing you, you know? you've got the job." mouse teases. hazel nervously laughs, running her pail hand through her hair.

for some reason, she seemed very quiet for a lifeguard... maybe it's me. but she did seem quiet.

hazels pov:

"you'll have to be added to the group."

"group?" i question with a smile, tilting my head. harrison looks at me nodding his head.

"yeah, there's a group. we make plans, ask if anyone can swap shifts. it's all cool to be fair. then some of us have chats about the day on the night or evening."

i smile. that sounded nice. it feels like ive found where ive belong. or maybe they'll throw me out when they realise im not good enough.

"hazel?" i look up to meet harrisons brown eyes. he's stood in front of me looking at me.

"sorry i um." my eyes swell up with tears and i try to push them back.

"may i ask where your staying?"

"what do you mean? im staying at a hotel at the moment."

"you didn't get a house?"

well no because i didn't want to stay with my parents any longer then i had too.

i just softly shake my head. "why don't you stay with harris or hoppo?" i mentally groan to myself. i can't stay with them, what if i annoy them? what if i get fired?

what am i supposed to do then?

"no i-"

"orrrr." he grins as we stop at the tower, "you can stop with me and maxi until you get yourself an apartment or house."

say yes hazel.

i sigh.

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