School Crush (Luca x Reader) Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Ill have *your favorite*" she answered with that sweet voice of hers.

"How about you choose a good spot to sit at while I buy the gelato." She suggest and I nodded

I looked up at Y/n looking back at this what humans call this butterflies in my tummy?

I don't know if I said thay correctly...

"Of course! Ill choose the tables outside." I tried not to stutter.

"Perfect! See you out there!" She said with a cheer.

So she heads inside to buy our treats and I head over to a nice table near the flowers, under an umbrella.

This is perfect!

That's when I get a weird feeling behind me....

"Well well well...if it isn't smelly fish..." That voice sounded familiar.

"O-oh...Ciao Romeo, what brings you here?" I asked and I felt pair of arms grabbing onto me and pinning me against the table.

"H-hey! What is your problem!!" I shout and felt a strong punch against my groin.

"Oh...My problem is that you are with my sweet bella Y/n...I told you to not be with her! And here you are with her! Im going to kick your fishy ass!"

Romeo grabbed onto my hair and shoved me down onto the hard really hurts...

Then I felt a kick on my leg.


I could hear him laughing down at me like Im a worthless dog...

What would she think about me now?...

"Mama Mia! Luca!!"

End of POV

Y/n dropped the gelato and rushed over to Luca, kneeling down to hold him.

"Aww come on Y/n! He's weak! Why would you rather be with him instead of being with me~" Romeo placed a hand on her face and she shoved his hand away.

"Romeo...I don't care if your strong, brave or good looking...but deep down...your nothing but a jerk...Luca is a sweetheart, Id rather be with a sweetheart than a jerk like you! Now leave us!"

That's when Romeo shuts off...he has no words to say now.

"A-are you sure you don-"

"Go!!" She shouts, pointing him out.

And the bad boys walked away leaving her be.

She looked down at Luca covered in scratches and bruises.

"Here...let me clean you up at my place, its not far."

--At your home--

You helped Luca up to your home, seeing your pet rushing their way to you and seeing the new guest.

"Y/p/n down, he's hurt." You told your pet and they sat down curious, you set Luca down on your bed and head over to grab your first aid kit.

You came up with the kit and pulling out a few items to heal his wounds.

"This may sting a bit" you said while placing the medicine onto his skin, which made him flinch.

Y/n POV's

Why would this happen to him?...why would anyone ever hurt him? He's too cute to he beaten up...he should've stayed by my side...

"Im sorry Luca..."

"No...its alright, I wasn't expecting it either...Ill be fine." He said while I looked up at him, staring into those adoring eyes of his.

"Luca...Ill never let anyone hurt you... especially Romeo...Im always here for you." I told him while placing band aids to his soft skin.

I hear him chuckle which made me blush.

"You remind me of Alberto." He said while I giggled to myself.

"Well, if I was him, Id beat him up."

"Well...if you weren't him, Id kiss you."


"What?" I turned him from what he's said.

"L-look Y/n...I don't wanna sound like Romeo...but, I really like you...Ever since Guilia introduced me to you, I felt butterflies tickling my stomach...your so smart, funny, and majestic."

Majestic? That's new.

"Ill understand if you don't feel the same way...But we can always be friends."

Does he really mean this?... he ain't like Romeo, just the way he looked into my eyes made me feel so attached.

I guess its my turn to confess...

End of POV

"Luca, Id rather be with someone who isn't only interested in my beauty, but someone who's smart, cute, shy, and...short." You giggled on that last part.

"And also very adventurous, and that is you." You said, then you felt him wrap his arms around your waist, giving you a big hug.

"I really like you Y/n!"

"I-I like you too Luca...very."

The two of you already started dating, telling the news to Guilia was a hassle, because she'll freak out if she doesn't know.

Lets just say you two were the cutest couple in Genoa Middle School.

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