17 years ago:

It was 9:30 in the morning and all of us except Vanya are at the bottom of the steps waiting for Dad's cue to start training. We are all still half asleep so Dad is making us run up the training stairs.

Nietzsche once said, "Man is as a rope stretched between the animal and the superhuman. A rope over an abyss. It is a dangerous crossing, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling, and halting."

Dad looks at Vanya and nods his head. She puts the whistle to her mouth and blows. We all start running up the stairs, pushing past one another. Of course, Luther is ahead of all of us. He always wins, but today Five and I are determined to beat him.

As much as you must strive for individual greatness, and strive you must, for it won't come to you of its own accord... you must also remember that there is no individual stronger than the collective.

As Five and I are racing up the stairs I try to think of a plan. I take Five's hand and stop him from running any farther.

"Y/N what are you doi-," He begins to say, but I interrupt him.


I look up at everyone and focus on them. I get in all of their minds and I reboot them, causing them all to fall on each other.

"Where am I?" Klaus asks.

Luther looks around and smiles when he sees Allison.

"Hey you're kinda cute," he tells her.

"Who are you again?" she asks.

Diego and Ben just lay on the ground confused.

"Hurry! blink us to the top," I say as I grab Five's hand.

He nods and a few seconds later we are standing on the last step while everyone is still halfway down the stairs. Their memory then comes back.

"That's not fair, they cheated," Diego yells.

I smile and flip him off when Dad wasn't looking.

"They adapted," Dad says as he writes down something.

The ties that bind you together make you stronger than you are alone. They will make you impervious to the pain and hardship the world will thrust upon you. And believe me when I tell you, life will be hard. It will be painful. We can accomplish anything when we accept responsibility together. This is what creates trust.

Later that day Dad tells us that we will be cutting training an hour short. After lunch, he calls all of us to the living room. In there was a man with tattoo equipment and 7 chairs. I look at Five nervously and he grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze. We all sit down in the chairs and watch as the tattoo artist puts everything together. Dad instructs us to take off our blazers and set them on our chairs. We do as he says and look at the tattoo artist.

"Number Four, you are first," Dad says.

Klaus gets up and slowly walks to the tattoo chair. The guy cleans Klaus's wrist and starts making the tattoo. I watch as tears start to fall from Klaus's eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't think about the needle. Think of a happy memory or something to distract you. Remember the time you snuck sleeping pills in Dad's wine during dinner so we can go get Donuts?"  I ask Klaus telepathically.

Klaus lets out a little laugh and looks at me and then at the tattoo. Once he saw the blood he started crying again. A little while later almost everyone was done with their tattoos. Five and I were the only ones left. I talked to everyone in their mind so Dad couldn't hear us. It helped calm down Allison and Ben but not that much for everyone else. Five didn't want to show it but he was really nervous. I could tell because he was pulling his hair and kept squeezing my hand. I also read his mind. Turns out, like Diego, he has a fear of needles.

The Time Traveler's Wife (Book 1) Five x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now