Chapter III: Impending Doom

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The culmination of WWIII brought with it mass destruction, innumerable distressing tragic deaths, sorrowful tribulations as well as the end of The Modern Era. Thus began the Superior Era, and with it - Illéa. After the devastating crusade waged by The Puissance, headed by China, the world was ablaze, burnt by the members of The Censorate who had completely forgotten all humanity in their thirst for power. So consumed were they with acquiring supremacy that they ruthlessly fought to conquer the world, paying no heed to the miserly state of all civilians till Ji Hu's Entourage successfully assassinated them all.

Most people disregard history, after all- what use is something that's done and over with? Turns out - a LOT. We can't understand the present if we don't know and understand the past. History isn't about memorising the most random facts that have nothing to do with us. It's about learning and understanding the events of the past that led to our present, that are the cause of our current events and who's consequences we shall realise in the future.

Han Seung and Kim Yeong Ho ratified a pact for a united coalition of the then split Koreas'- North and South. However, following a falling out between the two, a native foreigner - Atticus Kyler, my great-great-great grandfather seized the opportunity of political discord and unrest to his advantage and founded Illéa. Knowing how prone this newly established throne was to backlash and remonstrations, he re-instituted a caste system to control and deter the people from trying anything against the Crown.

There were eight different castes, the One's consisting of the entire Royal Family while the Eights constituted the addicts, homeless, runaways, unemployable and destitute individuals left to fend for themselves. Even illegitimate children. Proclaimed rebels too came under the Eights who were mistreated, abused and snubbed by the higher classes. Their beliefs and wants were considered trivial and they received condescending glances wherever they went. I wouldn't wish such an agonizing life even on my worst enemy.

With even the rise by a single digit, there was a significant difference in the influence, wealth and stature the people enjoyed. All of this was of course hereditary and fixed from birth unless the woman married a man of different status - in which case, she'd take on the same caste as that of her husband. Same for gays but just decided by age. Fuck patriarchy.

These castes were originally distributed on the basis of the wealth of the people living in those turbulent times, more specifically - the wealth and support they gave to the newly-formed 'government'. Atticus did nothing about the poor besides further exploiting them and even those who defied his rule were given the same fate to share. Such were his terms and till-date, that's how the system runs. What a benevolent king indeed.

"Dissolve the caste system," he said in an almost bored, unamused tone.

"I beg your pardon?" It was my turn to gape as I attempted to absorb how truly erratic this man before me was. Jimin's expression reflected what I felt, both of us stumped by the enormity of his demand, me especially by his calm and collected voice, the ease in his manner as if he didn't just speak the very words that could cripple our Empire from the core.

"You heard me. Dissolve the caste system." He repeated the last part slowly.

"No, what I fail to comprehend is how you can even think that's possible." And say it as if you just asked me to pass the bread from across the table."

He took a few moments to take my words in and mull them over before finally speaking, "I do recall mentioning that I'd like to meet with someone who possessed real authority. And as for the question at hand-why, that's really simple. Just liberalise the system and grant your people freedom."

I fumed. I'm pretty sure smoke was rising out of my ears the same way it would for a dragon who'd been slapped on the butt. How many digs would he have at me before I could finally get him to shut up.

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