35. Good Girl?

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I Want To Love You (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thing
You Need Some Lovin' (T.L.C.)
Tender Lovin' Care
And I'll Take You There
I Want To Love You (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thing
You Need Some Lovin' (T.L.C.)
Tender Lovin' Care
~P.Y.T by Michael Jackson

Lina's POV
I wake up early before them. My lower region is clearly in pain with every tiny movement I make. I was prepared for last night. Ever since they first touched me. I know it would lead to this eventually. I went to see a doctor to prescribe me birth control. What I wasn't prepared for is how terribly I would be hurting in the morning.

I keep getting flashbacks of last night. They said they love me and I couldn't stop hearing those words over and over again. They said it many times. I love them too. So why couldn't I say it back? Maybe I didn't want to say it out loud in the heat of sex. They made love to me.... At first.
How beautiful it is to be with somebody who only wants to be with me.
Meeting them was fate. Becoming their friend was a choice, but falling in love with them I had no control over.

I bite down on my lip as I think of the pain... and the pleasure I have received from them. I cringe a bit from the thought about how loud I moaned and screamed. I was never a loud person. The sounds, the moans, the passion wouldn't erase from my mind. I don't want it to.

Damon's POV
We both told her we love her last night. She didn't say it back. I thought she would say it back this time. We said it many times. I lay there looking down at her sleeping body, all cuddled against me. That made me pensive. What if you don't love us? What if you love us both? What if you love only one of us?

Derek and I have never cared for the other women that we bedded. So, we didn't mind sharing them. But this time, this time it is her. The time has come. She'll choose soon and I will dread that day for she will choose my brother. They always choose him.
The love of my life, and  I have to compete with my own identical twin  for her love and affection if  I want to keep her to myself.

"Morning sunshine."
We see the aftermath of what we had done. This is us. Raw. Nothing between us. I wanted to feel all of her and her to feel all of me. There lies  her blood stain on the white sheets.
We took her flower. I claimed her....WE claimed her.
I kiss her devotedly for giving me her most treasured possession.
"I love you." We both tell her again.... She doesn't say it back. 
We get out of bed. The moment she tries to stand up she cry out and falls back down on the bed in fetal position holding her belly.

"Lina!" We both yell out.
"Oh no, This is all my fault darling."
" Fuck! No, This is my fault. I should have stopped. Why didn't you say the safe word love?"
Derek was more gentle with her. I was listening for when she says RED but she never did. Then I got so consumed in her ecstasy that I didn't realize how brutal I have been last night. " Shit! I'm such an inconsiderate asshole." I should've been more attentive. Shit! 

Any woman's first time shouldn't have hurt this much with average men. We are not average men. Even with Derek's gentleness, should suffice any woman, but she took on the both of us as her first.  She is certainly NOT any average woman.

"I should've been more careful. I'm so sorry my love."

"I'm okay babe. I already have bruises and in pain from the incident. What's a little more right?" She says to us forcing a smile.
"At least it was my choice this time. I am happy with this pain and these bruises and love  bites you left on my skin. They came from you two. They came from your love. I'm grateful for them."

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