11. Fun & Games

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When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missin' you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missin', too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear
To always get me through the day
And make it okay
I miss you
~When You're Gone by Avril Lavigne

Damon's POV
We're watching Lina on SNL
She is clever and witty. That's my girl.
"You know you lost that one Conan." I comment

She doesn't talk much but when she does. She spit out facts verbatim as if she has the book or whatever the source material as if it is right in front of her. Photographic memory. Derek  and I are like that too. 

"......Damon and Derek won't always be around to protect me forever....."Lina says
"I will always be there to protect you." We say at the same time.

After Lina gets done with her gymnastics, we take her to Carson Beach. We spend summer at the beach most of the time. She loves the water.

"Dude, you guys coming over to my place later right?"
Our friend Mark walks by
"Sure mate."
"Is he having a party?" Lina ask
"Oh, have  fun." She says.

I feel bad that Lina is left out but it's not a party to take a 10 year old to.  Technically we're not suppose to be there either.
We just got our license. We don't need to have Peter drive us anymore. I drive her back home in my black Hummer H2. She sits in the back where it's safe. I chose this car because of its safety features. It's the closest thing to a tank that is street legal.
I'm more into muscle while Derek like speed. He chose a white BMW M3.
Then we go to Marks.
Most of the college students went home for the summer. The only ones left are students that already live around here.

We get there. There's not many people here.
"Is this all ?"
"No, Dude. Some chicks are coming. You know how long they take with makeup and shit."
"Yeah tell me about it." Some women wear so much makeup that it's caked on. If they need that much to make themselves look pretty. I'm scared to see how they really look like. I shake my head, breaking my thoughts about those Chinese makeup transformation videos. They look like a completely different person.
God, I hope you don't put on lot of makeup when you get older Lina. You're beautiful already. You don't even need it.

"I told them Icarus will be here and they got fucking excited man."
"How many are you expecting? Is it going to be like graduation?"
"No, just a kick back.... but I heard you guys got some pussy on graduation. Well done man."
He pats us both on the back.
"You need help setting up?" Damon asks
"I can call for food to be delivered."
"Sure man"
"My brother is getting the booze. He will be back soon."
Derek turns on football on the telly. We sit and watch.
Arsenal is playing against Real Madrid.
Madrid just scored.

The door bell rings.
Two chicks show up. They come over to us. "Hey sexy, how you doing?" A chick  sits on my lap and other is in Derek's.
"Fine." I have never met them before. "How is that you know us?"
"Oh, we know all about you." The girl sitting on me says, Taps her  index finger on my nose. Giggling.
That's weird.
"Your music of course. I know all your songs."
I highly doubt that.
We debut one music video and released a full album.

"Some help with the booze guys!"
"Yeah mate."
"Be right there."
We both lift each chick up and set her back down on the couch.
I look at my brother with the 'damn, what the hell' look.
Soon, more people show up. End up totaling 6 women and 10 guys.

I run around the room clinking my beer bottle "Skol!" I yell
"Skol" they say back and we all drink.
Someone turns down the volume a bit but still have the game playing.

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