She has to go to bed. We tuck her in.
"Good night darling" I kiss her forehead
"Night love." Damon does the same
"Good night Anh."
"We're not your brothers." Damon says
"I know. Anh doesn't just mean older brother. It can be used to respectfully address any older male not of kin."
I still don't like that word.

We have been learning Vietnamese to impress Lina's parents.
"Cảm ơn cô và chú. Một bữa ăn tối rất là đặc biệt."
(Thank you auntie and uncle for the delicious dinner.)
They are shocked and very impressed.
" không có chi con. Cô gởi lời thăm ba mẹ.
(You're welcome boys. Say hello to your parents for us.)

"What now brother?"
"You want to go home?"
"Do you?"
"We could go to the frat party. It's not that far of a walk."
"We can't"
"C'mon bro. Seriously,  It's our damn graduation! everyone is fucking partying. We're missing  the whole college experience."
"Alright fine. How crazy can a Harvard party be? Everybody is a nerd."

Boy was I wrong. There is music blaring and drinking. Women  dancing.  They take 'study hard, party harder' seriously.
"Dude! You made it!   Looks who's here, Wilson Twins!"
Some guys howl and women scream "Icarus!"

Ever since people found out of Damon being in a rock band and we performed on stage. We got a record deal. Named our duo 'Icarus'. We gotten even more popular after our debut music video 'Fire & Ice' was released  and everybody wanted us to be at their parties.  We don't go though. Until now. We don't have parties at our  house anymore for obvious reasons. Learned that lesson.
We concentrated on our studies so we can graduate and write music.

William hands us a shot.
"Skol" we say to each other and clink glasses.
We drink. It taste gross. I guess you have to get use to it.  Then another.
"You want to play beer pong?"
"Sure." We shrug
We play for a bit on the same team. Beating the other guys.
We play another pair.
Win again
This is boring. We don't drink much because we clear their cups fast. It's all physics.

People are handing the both of us shot after shot.
This alcohol is getting us loose.
The music blaring. Two women comes up to us and puts their hands around our neck and dance. I put my hands on her hips and go along. They turn around and gyrates their ass rubbing us.  I groan. Shit. My cock is getting hard.
"I need to go sit down."
My brother follows me.
Ro deg ned Thor.   (Calm down Thor) I say to my penis.

A set of identical twin women come over and sits on each of our laps. Dark hair, brown eyes. They look kinda like Lina but older.  Except their eyes. They were wearing the most revealing short tight dress. Do you even go to Harvard? I have never seen you before.

"Hey handsome. What's your name?"  And hands us  shots.
Sure, What the hell. We drink
"Damon". "Derek"
"Holy shit! You're Icarus!"
"Yeah." We confirm
"I'm Candice. This is my sister Carmen, obviously."
"Do you go to Harvard? "
They laugh. "No, we go to Lesley."
"Do you?"
"Yeah. We just graduated."
"Really?  That deserves a little reward don't you think sister?"
She hands us another shot and we down it.
Then they put their lips onto ours.
I groan.

She begin to move her hips and gives me a lap dance. Gyrating her hips rubbing my cock through my pants, Carmen doing the same to Damon.
Fuck, Thor is getting hard again.
She stops and gets off of me. Takes my hand and leads me upstairs. Her sister and Damon following behind.

We get into a room and they push us both on the bed and pounces.  They each starts to make out with us again. I can't tell which one is which at the moment. Neither do I care. They probably don't either. Her and her sister are so in sync that they do the same thing. Her fingers trail under my shirt. I take it off.
She put her tongue at my waist band and then licks my abs all the way up.
"Wow, you guys work out a lot."
"Yeah, got a lot of frustration to get rid of." Damon says.
"Let's relieve some of that frustration sister."

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