Chapter Twenty-Eight

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We've just arrived at prom and I felt so out of place. Me and Raven arrived first as her house is the closest. We went shopping then straight to hers to get ready. I've never gone shopping with friends before and it was so much fun. Raven's family were so welcoming and treated me like a daughter. It made me miss my family but I know they're always there if I need them. Aiden told her dad about how my uncle treats me and how he crashed into my family. He said there isn't any evidence to arrest him for the murder but my testimony and the marks on my body are enough to arrest him for abuse. Raven picked out an off the shoulder black dress with a mesh skirt, she has a smoky eye and is now confident enough to not wear her glasses. I picked a long burgundy dress. Raven's mum curled my hair and seeing as I have no idea how to do make up, Raven did it; she did a cat eyeliner and nude lip.

Aiden and Luka finally arrived. Aiden's gone full out and is wearing a lilac ball gown, full glam and has her hair curled. Luka went simpler with a black suit; he cleans up nicely. "You ready for this?" Luka asked.

"I guess," I responded.

"Come on guys. Tonight's gonna be amazing. We deserve it. Let's party!" Aiden grabbed mine and Raven's hands and dragged us in. Luka followed behind laughing. We walked into the school hall and it looks amazing. There are streamers and balloons everywhere and a DJ at the front blasting music. There's a massive disco ball and loads of led lights. I never thought I'd actually be at prom. "Oh my god there's a photo booth. We have to get our photos done," Aiden said dragging us all into the booth not giving us a chance to answer. We all posed and made funny faces. "We look so cute," Aiden said after our photos printed.

"Is Aiden really paying us a compliment?" I laughed.

"Yeah, is Aiden really paying the freaks a compliment?" Tom said as him and his friends came over, it's weird seeing Tom alive especially after I stabbed him.

"Of course, I'm going to hype my friends up especially my girlfriend, Raven" Aiden shouted back.

"Guess you're a freak now to then and really? You're dating her?"

"I am. Got a problem with that?"

"It's weird."

"Get lost Tom." I said.

"Cram it freak season."

"Might wanna be careful, she might kill ya." We all laughed, "and if I'm a freak then I'd rather be a freak with my friends than a low life like you." Aiden pushed past and pulled us with her. Tom tried to grab Aiden so without even thinking I grabbed Tom's arm, twisted it back and slammed him against the wall. I slowly let go. He straightened his suit then went off with his friends.

"Guessing some of your abilities remand," Luka said.

"Apparently so." A new song started playing so Aiden dragged Raven onto the dance floor. Raven's clearly out of her element but is still having fun with Aiden. They're really cute together. Aiden's dad is fine with her coming out and said he loves her no matter what.

"Care to dance?" Luka asked.

"I'd love to." I took Luka's hand and he pulled me onto the dance floor. It's a slow song so a slow dance. I wrapped my arms around Luka's neck so he slowly placed his arms on my waist, I think he's shocked by my action. We slowly swayed to the music. I rested my head on his shoulder. It felt nice and comforting. "I need to confess something," Luka said which slightly scared me.

"What?" I said, nervously.

"I lied."


"Back in the lift about noticing things about people. I lied. It's only you I notice things about. I notice the little dance you do when we get given a new book assignment. I notice how you tap your leg when you're stressed. I can tell when your writing one of your own stories as you tongue slightly sticks out, it's so cute." I didn't know I did any of those things. "I've liked you for many years. I'd go to try to ask if you'd want to hang out but then I'd get too nervous. You're smart, funny, brave, kind and so beautiful. You're this amazing girl and I'm nothing. I'm not like Jay or a dream boyfriend like him but..." I cut him off and kissed him and luckily, he kissed back. It felt right and amazing. I've liked Luka for years but I've always ignored my feelings. He's popular and cool and I'm a freak, I never thought he'd pay attention or notice me. He's so sweet, kind and smart. "Finally, you two are together. It was taking forever," Aiden laughed.

"It was obvious you liked each other," Raven added. Really? How could she tell he liked me? "Now let's party!"

"Aww, I'm rubbing off on you babe." Aiden replied. The party songs kicked back on and we danced the night away. We had so much fun. It's a night I'll never forget. It's the most fun I've ever had. I'm so glad I've made these friends. We're more than friends we're a family.

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