Chapter Eleven

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The next time I wake up, I'm feeling at least somewhat alive. I find my phone and I blink blearily at the time. My eyes widen and I'm suddenly very awake because my alarm either didn't go off, or in my stupor I turned it off because it's almost two in the afternoon.

I look over to where Courtney was and find her gone. Huh. Maybe she turned off my alarm. I get up and get ready for what's left of the day before meandering downstairs to see if there's anything to eat. More water would be good. Or coffee. Yeah, coffee sounds like paradise in a mug right about now.

I shuffle into the kitchen like the zombie I feel I am and make a beeline for the coffee pot that is—thank you, God—half full. I find a mug, though I would happily pour it down my throat out of the carafe at this point.

"Good morning, sleepy head."

I turn very slowly to glower at Aryna.

She laughs. "That bad, huh?"

I don't break my glower.

"Simon's looking for you. Courtney left a couple of hours ago for work. If it makes you feel any better, she didn't look much better than you do."

I don't react. I sip my coffee.

"Want something to eat with that?"

My glower disappears to be replaced with a hopeful look. "Yes, please."

She laughs again and goes to the fridge. She pulls out a covered bowl and turns on the burner. She grabs a frying pan and puts a glob of butter on it to melt while she uncovers the bowl and fetches a spatula. She glances at me with a raised brow. "Pancakes are cool, right?"

"The coolest," I agree and rest against the counter to watch her work while I wait. Just the scent of the melting butter is enough to both have my mouth water and make me queasy.

The door swings open and Simon walks in. His gaze zeros in on me almost immediately and he's looking me over as he comes up to me. "There you are."

"Here I am."

"Have fun last night?"

"I think she had a little too much fun," Aryna replies with a smirk. "She's definitely a lightweight. Lil drank her and Court under the table and she's definitely the least alive this...afternoon." She waves the spatula around as she speaks, then slides it under a pancake to flip it with a flourish.

"What even happened? I don't remember much after the fourth round of drinks."

Aryna laughs. "I'm not surprised. Even Lil said they were potent and she's a veteran party girl."

Simon shakes his head before tilting it to catch my gaze. "Up for some training?"

I groan and lift my mug to block my face.

Aryna nudges me with a plate full of pancakes and I accept it gratefully. "You're the best," I tell her and escape into the dining room. Of course, Simon follows me. I'm not expecting it, but he pulls my chair out for me and even pushes me in when I sit down. I look up at him with surprise plain on my face. "Thanks."

"How's Sienna?"

I frown at the question and am kicking myself because I didn't even think about what reaction she might have to alcohol. Didn't even ask. To be fair, I assumed since Lily and Aryna were leading and they've been dragons their whole lives that it wasn't a problem, but still. Nearly panicked, I reach for her and I feel her stretch with a huge yawn in response and I smile. "Sleepy."

He nods. "Not all dragon people can drink. Some dragons have an adverse reaction to alcohol. Don't worry, I'm sure she would've let you know last night if she was having trouble."

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