Chapter Three

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This time when I wake up, I feel like myself. I'm not in anymore pain and I think I'm thinking clearly. Or at least, as clear as I get. My body feels like it mostly belongs to me again and I open my eyes without a huge struggle.

I look around and realize that it's light in the room. I can't remember for sure, but I think it was pretty dark last time.

Whatever. The point is that I'm feeling better. Yay!

I take a more detailed look around and find there's no sign of anyone in the room. Seriously, Mason? Well, I suppose he's got to take care of his own business at some point, but I didn't expect to wake up completely alone.

Not completely alone. Not anymore.

I startle because I forgot about the voice in my head. Can you hear everything I think or just what I'm projecting? I wonder.


Great. Where's Mason? I don't know why I expect the voice to know, but it does.

He's in the kitchen with his family.

I listen intently and can actually hear them. They're far too far away for my usual senses to be able to pick up even movement from my bed, so the transformation must have worked.

Yeah, because my being here isn't a clue.

Shut up. I knew that. I'm just figuring things out at my own pace, okay? I get another flash of amusement and I slowly sit up. I think that sitting up should hurt, but it doesn't. Score. I get up out of bed and I'm not even dizzy. Double score. I'm winning this. I go to the closet and get some fresh clothes because, while I'm feeling better, I've never felt grungier in my entire life.

I make my way to the bathroom and turn on the water. While it's heating up, I make the colossal mistake of looking in the mirror. My hair is a disaster and my face looks like a roadmap of creases thanks to sleeping on it for who-knows-how-long. I carefully brush out my hair before climbing into the luxurious shower stall. The water hits me and I finally feel human again.

Nope. Never again. You just feel better.

I roll my eyes and focus on the task at hand. I wash, shampoo, condition, and rinse thoroughly before turning off the tap and step out. I dry off and get dressed, then hesitate. Do I want to face his family right now? I most definitely missed Courtney's phone call and I have no idea how long I was out for.

Three days.

It felt like three weeks, but okay. That's not so bad. It certainly felt longer. I take a deep breath and go down the hall to the kitchen. I can't imagine they didn't hear me get up and the water turn on, so I'm ready for all three of them to turn and stare at me when I approach.

I'm not disappointed.

"You're up!" Lily exclaims and races to throw her arms around me.

I brace for impact, ready to rock back a few steps, but I surprise myself by being rock solid. She actually seems lighter. Weird. She's probably just being careful of me.

Yeah. That's what it is.

Apparently, my other side is as sarcastic as I am. Shut it. "Hey, Lil," I greet her, smiling and patting her back. She seems really upset. I think she's been worried about me. I look beyond her at Mason and my eyes are caught in his. He's talking to me with them and I'm liking what I see. Yeah, baby, I can't wait to be alone with you either. It has been a long three days. Probably more so for you since I was unconscious for most of it.

Lily finally lets me go and I stride forward. Effortlessly. Yeah. I think I might be stronger now too. Bonus. I ignore Lily and I haven't even acknowledged Simon yet. I go straight to Mason and pour myself into his arms. He's strong and warm and solid and I just want to melt into him.

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