~Chapter 19~

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That day after Remus walked me to the train station hand in hand. I didn't want to leave him, knowing that what he was going through. Remus was strangely quiet as he walked, he held my hand tight like he didn't want to let go.

Once I got to the station it was filled with kids running on, I turned back to Remus seeing he was still distracted about something. I pulled his face towards me holding his cheek in my palm. He smiled down at me with sad eyes.

"I can stay if you like," I whispered as I worried more for him.

"No, I'll be fine. I'll be there with you in a few days."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now go before you miss the train."  I pulled him down with my arms to meet his lips. He smiled onto the kiss joining me as well. His hands landed in my hair pulling you closer when he heard the whistle of the train. We both pulled back frustrated, Remus nudged me onto the train and helped me place one last kiss before the train left the station.

I sat in an empty carriage looking out the window, I still felt him on my lips. I laughed to myself still having Remus on the forefront of my mind. Somehow he had bewitched me, but there was still something bothering me.

It was that damn map he watched every night following around one name. The name was so familiar to me, I knew it bothered Remus making him stressed and anxious which wasn't healthy for him, especially around the full moon.

I felt guilt for leaving him without support, but he insisted I went without him. I knew it was because he was scared of my parents, they still didn't know. And I didn't want them to know just yet.

Remus was a close friend of theirs, I had never met him before work. But they mentioned him, and something to do with a group called the order. It was all a mystery like everyone was hiding something from us all. I asked them about it but they all went silent, telling me to stop asking questions.

I was distracted the whole way back, the train pulled into kings cross station with a loud whistle making me jump. I climb off the train seeing mum and dad greeting everyone, but just as I stumbled onto the platform mum pulled me into her arms. My lungs crushed as she pulled back holding my cheeks. 

"Your glowing." She gushed over me making me smile harder. "Your not pregnant are you?!" She panicked for a second, making me panic. Remus and I weren't the safest when it came to sex, I couldn't remember my last period either. 

"Gosh no, just a little flushed is all," I said fanning myself still thinking of the fact I could be pregnant. 

"Your not sick are you?" Mum checked my forehead. 

"No, just hot with my coat." I pushed her hand away. 

"Well good, so where's this new man I've heard so much about." 

"He's... not very well and is behind on work so he didn't come."  

"Oh what a shame, it would be nice to meet him. Maybe he could come with Remus, he coming back in a couple of days. Have you met him yet (Y/N)?" 

"Briefly, we talk sometimes." I heard the twins scoff behind mum, I stared them down making mum scold them. 

"Leave her alone, you give her enough to deal with from what I've heard." She clipped both their ears as we all walked to the car. Dad walked slower behind me not speaking much. 

"Have you and Remus spoken much about anything?" I felt like he knew something that I didn't. 

"Sometimes, mainly about work. But there's something off about him." Dad perked up not looking back at me. "He keeps looking at this map whenever I'm around him, and he's mentioned a name a couple of times on passing."

"Hmmm, what was the name?" 

"Peter Pettigrew." Dad's eyes looked in shock like Remus' had that night he saw the name. "That's the same as Remus had. Why so you know the man?" 

"Yes, he was in our year but he disappeared. That's all I know." I felt like he was lying just like Remus. "But I won't dwell on it, I'm sure Remus will tell me when he gets here. Come on before your mother strangles the twins." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder leading me to the car. 


Once we all got him it smelt like Christmas, the house was decorated with the same decorations we had since I was a kid. Mum was cooking something that filled with house with a pot of mulled wine bubbling on the hob. She sent us all to our rooms and shouts to harry and Heromime who they were sharing with. 

"Y/N you'll stay in Charlie's room. We thought your mystery man was coming so we set up the larger room for you."

"Thanks, mum," I shouted running upstairs and setting up the room. I had to sit for a while overthinking everything. First, everyone was hiding something from me, and the possibility of me being pregnant. 

*A/N's: Sorry I haven't been active for a long time, most of you are wondering if I was going to finish and I promise I will. Sorry, this is a short one, but it is more of a filler to carry on with the storyline. Thank you all so much for still being interested and I promise I will carry on.*

A Lovers tale ~ Remus Lupin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now