~• CHAPTER 15 •~

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~Your - POV~

From sleeping with Remus for so long I had gotten used to sharing the bed with him, he was warm and comforting wrapped around me with my blanket. So lying here, now was a strange feeling that I hadn't felt in a while. I tried sleeping, but it felt impossible without him here, feeling safe and less worried with him around, but I knew it was for the safety of the children and the wizarding world.

I tossed and turned more in the dark looking back at the clock knowing that he wouldn't be back for several hours. I lay there more thinking about anything to get me by for him to arrive. My thoughts go to the holidays that will be coming up sooner than I thought, I hadn't told Mum and Dad about him and felt rude to spring such news on them so close to going home. I still hadn't discussed it with Remus and what he wanted to do so I left it, but now it started to bother me a little.

Every year I celebrated with my family and I hoped it would be the same but I didn't know this year. I started overthinking the whole thing again, about how Mum and Dad would react, or what they would say if I brought him home. I knew they knew him, but having one of their friends dating their daughter would seem strange. I started to panic knowing that seeing Remus could only reassure me of my feelings about this.

After continuing to overthink I decided to find Remus, I knew he wouldn't be far from me but I just wanted him at the moment. I grab Remus' robe from the armchair it was massive and warm and smelt like him which made me feel closer to him. I headed out of the chambers to the silence of the castle.

"Lumos," I mumble while flicking my wand walking along the halls and corridors. I could hear the occasional creak or bang from another part of the castle. I would jump but nothing was ever there, just the moaning and snores of the castle paintings. I carried on walking through the corridors to hear a stooping of feet and a blinding light shining back at me.

"How extraordinarily like your father you are, Potter. He, too, was exceedingly arrogant. Strutting about the castle." I heard Snape's voice drown on as I looked back at them both. I saw Harry flinching at the blinding light as Snape spoke. I felt for the boy under Severus' stare.

"My dad didn't strut. Nor do I. Now, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate you lowering your wand." I giggled to myself as Harry backchatted Snape, silently cheering him on to go further. I saw Harry glance ever so slightly behind him and look back at me. Harry's lip lifts into a subtle smirk as Snape sharply turns towards me. He eyes me coldly like Harry while lowering his wand looking back at me, I glared back at him.

"Turn out your pockets." Snape Snapped back at Harry flicking his wand towards him. Harry didn't move his eyes still boring into Snape. "Turn out your pockets!" He snaps again. Harry obliges as he handed him what looked like a folded piece of parchment, I didn't understand why it was such a big issue. Snape's eyes lit up as he looked closer at the parchment. "And this. What might it be?"

"Spare bit of parchment..." He shrugs not caring, knowing that Snape was overreacting. Snape stopped looking at the parchment and looked back at Harry unconvinced.

"Really..." Posing his wand. "Reveal your secrets!" I looked back confused about what had appeared on the parchment, Snape glanced back at me with a smug sneer on his lips. As the words started to appear Harry looked back in a panic, I didn't like seeing him like this but I needed to know what was happening, words begin to appear. Snape studies him, a sadistic half-smile on his lips. "Read it!"

"'Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs offer their compliments to Professor Snape and...'"

"Go on."

"'... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business.'" Snape's smile droops as I burst into snored giggles as Harry looked back at Snape with a smug smile. Snape looked back at me as I laughed harder at the parchment.

A Lovers tale ~ Remus Lupin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now