Chapter 11 Victorian Drama

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I'm jolted rudely awake to the sounds of vicious snarls and the ripping of a sleeping bag.

Icy air hits me as the warmth that kept me company throughout the night disappears along with my sleeping bag. I twist and fumble in the torn material, blinking sleep from my eyes as I turn to see Seth crouched over me protectively, visibly shaking while he takes in the scene before him with narrowed eyes. I look over as well, momentarily alarmed as I wonder if Victoria found us after all; and then I almost groan when I see Jacob and Edward facing off against each other with Bella appropriately between them. She's in Edward's arms but yelling at both of them to stop, her voice finally calming Jacob who slowly stops his quivering.

It could not be more cliche, but I'm pissed. I'm not a good morning person, and to find my sleep rudely interrupted by male hormones gets me off to exactly the wrong kind of start to the day.

"What the hell are you three playing at?!" I yell at the trio as I push myself, quite heavily, off the ground.

Neither Edward nor Jacob spare me a glance while Bella looks at me pleadingly. Clearly, she wants help but I know that the only way this is going to end is if she finally gets up the courage to kick Jacob to the curb since he clearly can't get over a girl who already has a boyfriend. 'Of course, if she'd stop giving him hope, he might deal better.'

I shake away the treacherous thought - this one isn't entirely on Bella. For once. Edward's eyes shoot my way at that and his gaze is hard. Clearly he doesn't appreciate that add-on thought but again, I can't be bothered by his feelings on what are supposed to be my private thoughts. Instead, I grab Seth's hand and crawl toward the tent door. My sleep is sufficiently disrupted by the cold and my anger, and my sleeping bag is ruined anyway.

"Come on, Seth. I think I need air."

Seth easily follows after me, his eyes staying locked on Edward warily. He never turns his back on the vampire until we're outside the tent and I trudge toward the corner where Jacob had taken up watch yesterday before he and Seth joined us inside the tent. It's actually not so bad now outside and there's even a little bit of sunshine although still unseasonably cold. Snow has covered the ground overnight and my breath comes out in white puffs. My skin is also a little damp from where I sweated in the night thanks to Seth's warmth, making the chill nip just a little bit harsher at my exposed skin. I wrap my jacket tightly around myself and Seth notices.

"Hang on - I need to shift so I can stay connected with the pack but I'll be right back." Seth promises before he jogs off quickly toward the trees.

I wait, crouching down into a small huddle to maintain warmth as the sudden loss of Seth's body heat leaves me feeling a lot colder than I had thought it would be. Thankfully, Seth is back in seconds and he sits in a low crouch next to me. I huddle beside him, taking the liberty of leaning closer when he doesn't protest. His fur is soft and his body is so warm that I sigh in contentment while my eyes droop sleepily again.

A sound makes me open my eyes sleepily and I watch as Jacob crawls out of the tent too. He spots me but he seems to be in a mood (when is he not lately?) and he's off to the trees to shift and head back to the pack with barely a nod in my direction. I scoff - some friend, I think to myself. I close my eyes again and lean against Seth. Seth purrs when I absently begin to stroke his fur; I take it as a good sign and I scratch and pet him even more as thanks for keeping me warm. He doesn't object in the slightest, and we sit contently side by side. I know he's itching to join the others in the fight but I admit I feel slightly better knowing he's here. He's so young and I can't not see the little boy who followed Niki and I around in our youth when I see him, not even now when he towers over me like all the other Quileute boys.

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