Chapter 10 Dangerous Liasons

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Three months later

"Yeah, of course I'll be fine. No, I'm not just bailing because I feel like a third wheel."

I roll my eyes as I review the open backpack in front of me for the last time while holding my mobile against my ear.

"I promise, Ange. Besides, do you really think that I would choose to go shopping with Alice over spending a weekend away with you, if I had a choice?"

Angela finally sighs in acceptance, the exhale creating some static on the receiver. "True... I swear you and Bella are almost allergic to shopping."

"Exactly. But since I'm going to be spending a month in Europe with you guys over the summer, I promised Alice that I'd spend at least this weekend with her." I lie through my teeth as I zip up my backpack and swing it over my shoulder.

In my hurry, I accidentally push the open acceptance letter from Yale off my desk. I don't bother to stop to pick it up - I hadn't gotten a scholarship and I can't afford the tuition. And I don't care what the Cullens say, I'm not letting them pay for me as well as my sister. Especially if they bribed my way in, which no matter how much Edward denies I'm not convinced they didn't do. I do however stop to pick up the other two opened letters that were pushed off with my Yale acceptance. The newer one was only two days old from Lulu and filled with complaints that I didn't write to her enough. The older one was already a week old from Demetri, congratulating me on my graduation and teasingly wondering if I was ever going to write back to him instead of just to Lulu. I hadn't responded to either letter yet; not that I was going to reply to Demetri's letter.

Walking down the stairs, I find Jared waiting for me already. He's let himself in (I don't know how and I don't want to know) and his brow is raised high with amusement at the blatant falsehoods I'm telling. I stick my tongue out at him while Angela continues to sigh mournfully in my ear.

"Okay, fine. But we'll miss you. And we'll definitely make full use of the summer together before we're all separated for college."

"Definitely." I echo a little hollowly. Jared's gaze sharpens as he notes the dip in my mood that Angela's words have caused but I turn away from him as I finish my call with my friend. "Enjoy your trip with Ben, Ange."

"See you next weekend, Mia."

Angela hangs up and I reluctantly turn to face Jared. My ex-boyfriend's folded his arms across his bare chest by this point and he peers down at me with a shrewd look in his eyes I don't like.

"So, any chance you've changed your mind and you want to finally tell me why the word 'college' makes you look like Paul when he's had more to drink than he can stomach?" Jared asks. I shake my head.


I toss my bag into his arms. Jared catches it without even looking but he doesn't let go of the subject as easily.

"Mia, I know something's going on and I know it's not just about Bella's... choices. Something about the idea of college has you on edge." Jared states firmly.

It reminds me why he was such a good boyfriend: Jared's naturally very observant. He was always good at reading me even when Bella couldn't and that hasn't changed even now. I sometimes think it's worse now that we're forever in the friendzone. He used to be much less direct when we were dating and he was more concerned about potentially hurting my feelings.

"I'm just apprehensive about going off on my own, that's all." I deny.

Jared scoffs as he follows me out of my house. I lock the door behind me before moving around to the back of the house while Jared trails along behind me.

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