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"What happened? Is Bolt all right? Did he have an accident ?" Asked Penny still being shocked.

"Just come here, this is very, very sudden" replied Lucas.

"Ok, stay where you are...I'm already running there" said Penny hanging up on the boy. She still didn't know what it was about, she was even more irritated by Lucas' words , who wouldn't say what it was about. She quickly opened her wardrobe then started looking for a jacket. She took the first one that fell into her hands and went downstairs quickly. This surprised Mittens and Rhino, who were surprised at how quickly Penny was getting ready to leave.

"I'm sorry, I promise I'll take care of you when I get back," Penny said, then walked out of the house with a bang closing the white door. The impact was so strong that Mittens lowered her ears from the sound.

"What's going on ?" asked Rhino when he couldn't understand , why Penny was so tense.

"Nothing...nothing...why don't you go watch Bolt...while I prepare the food ?" Mittens suggested. She didn't want the hamster to find out , that Bolt hadn't come home for the night.

"And where is Bolt?"

"Penny just followed him out, don't ask so much, since when has everything interested you so much? Sit on the sofa and watch," said Mittens. Luckily the hamster friend agreed and without asking any more questions sat down on the sofa. Mittens went to get some food, although she was actually thinking somewhere else.

Penny, meanwhile, ran as fast as she could to get to the place where Lucas was supposed to be waiting. It was not far enough, about 15 minutes on foot, 8 minutes running. Despite her tiredness, the girl did not stop, slowed down a little and now jogged to the meeting point. After 10 minutes, she noticed a brunet standing by a big, powerful oak tree, in front of him there was an ambulance with a signal, which made Penny nervous and broke down. In her head she was already guessing who the ambulance might have inside. Moments later the girl was beside the boy, who was watching the standing vehicle.

"What happened, where's Bolt?" asked Penny, to which Lucas did not reply. He indicated the ambulance with a movement of his head. Penny was stunned. at first she didn't want to believe the boy, she thought it was a stupid joke, but when she looked through the glass tears quickly came to her eyes as she saw her dog with blood stains on his white fur.

"I was driving to your place when I noticed a dog on the road...I couldn't believe , it was Bolt. Someone was driving fast...and must have missed Bolt... I called an ambulance immediately because I didn't know what to do, I told them to wait for you. His condition is serious but stable..." Lucas sighed heavily. Even though the dog had bitten him he didn't feel bad, I felt sorry for him and so did Penny, who threw herself into his arms. She started laughing and crying at the same time.

"Thank you for letting whoever you need to know know know" the girl whispered then hung up on the boy. She walked towards the car when it stopped.

"Are you coming with us?"

"No, you know, I think it should be just the two of you...I'll come by later to see how you're feeling" Lucas replied to which Penny nodded with a motion of her head entering the vehicle and sitting down next to Bolt. It was a frightening sight. His fur was stained with his blood , he was dirty, bruised and had a cut on his head above his head. They look like he was a stray mongrel, and he was the star of the show after all...

"I'm sorry Bolt, it says fault..." whispered Penny crying. She couldn't get over how her thoughtlessness had ended. Only this terrible accident had to happen to make Penny see through it.

"His condition is serious but stable. at the hospital when we get there he will need surgery. Then you will be able to see him up close" said the paramedic dressing the unconscious dog. Bolt was breathing, but it was very shallow and quiet breathing. Nobody really knew how many hours Bolt had been lying like that, but Penny could only be glad that Lucas was passing by, otherwise Penny would have lost her friend forever...

When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Penny was the first to leave the ambulance so as not to disturb the paramedics. They moved him to a bed and took him to the hospital. The girl stayed with the dog until they reached an area reserved for hospital staff only.

Penny was forced to return to the waiting room and wait there for the results of the operation.

a few hours later

It had been over three hours perhaps even more since the doctors had run into the operating theatre with Bolt. Penny didn't look at the time, she just wanted Bolt to be okay. She could have sat there for him all day or even longer. she wanted Bolt to be healthy. She walked several times up and down the waiting room, the stress, the thoughts, the guilt did not let the girl rest. Every few minutes she told herself that it was her and only her fault that this had happened. She did not look for guilt in Lucas, after all, she was his best friend. At some point Penny's mother called. The girl didn't want to answer the phone, but she had to, because she had to find out about the incident anyway. She slowly put the phone to her ear trying to speak as calmly as possible.

"Hi, Mom."

"Hi Penny. In case you didn't notice the card, I have to get some paperwork done and like yesterday, I'll probably be back tonight. You don't have to worry about me. Have you seen Bolt anywhere, by the way? He's been hiding out lately ..."

"Mum, I know where Bolt is because ..."

here Penny stopped. Tears came to her eyes again, most willingly if there were no people here she would drown in her tears.

"Are you all right Penny?"

"No, Mum...I'm with Bolt at the hospital and he's having surgery..." said the girl stopping herself from crying. Penny's mother didn't speak for a while. She had to make sure that Penny didn't jump out with the text I was joking or something."

"Where are you guys? Do you want me to drive over? What happened anyway?"

"I don't know! Lucas told me that a car hit him. I found out about it thanks to him. He was the one who called the ambulance. If it wasn't for him it..."

"Okay, easy Penny, is he okay now?"

"He's having surgery...if anything happens to him...I won't give up!"

"Should I come?" repeated the woman's question calmly.

"No need, Lucas will be here soon... I'll call you when I know more," Penny replied, then hung up. She leaned her head against the wall then closed her eyes trying to calm her chaotic thoughts. Her head had never had such a strong headache. All the negative emotions were building up right now, plus stress and guilt. How much she would give for Penny to have just had a nightmare and to wake up next to Bolt!

"Miss Penny? You can meet your pet" the doctor came out of the room pulling Penny out of her reverie.

Bolt: JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now