Sad True

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As Penny and Bolt got into the car Lucas stood at the door waving to Penny one last time. His expression didn't show that anything bad had happened, despite the fact that he had lost several thousand dollars worth of television. He had a calm expression on his face, even smiling slightly. The smile caused the girl to reciprocate by smiling back at him slightly before getting into the vehicle, which the dog immediately entered. Penny was furious with him, however she didn't want to show it in front of her mother, she didn't need a speech of wisdom.

"Mum will still go shopping, then she will talk some sense into Bolt" thought Penny thinking in her head how this could happen. Bolt seemed to have already guessed what might happen when Penny's mum drove away from the house. His owner was looking on with a smile that gave the dog the impression that the girl already had a plan that he wouldn't necessarily like.

"So how was Lucas' place?"

"Great, there were rather no... Surprises."

"Lucas seems like a good boy, is he like that?"

"Yes, definitely! He makes me really laugh about things other than the series..."

"Well, you always have Bolt"

"It's not the same. You know what I mean" Penny replied. Her mum was slightly surprised by her words, but didn't want to respond to her words. She merely nodded with a movement of her head.

"Penny always put Bolt first, no matter what happened, he was the first person she would go to hug (Bolt was so tight with Penny that he was called a person). Maybe this boy has messed with her head for her..." thought the woman as she stopped outside the house.

" You can go, I will do some more shopping and then I will come back " said the woman.

" Okay mum. Come on Bolt... " said Penny with an ironic voice. Bolt obediently got out of the car, but he was in no hurry to enter the house. He rather avoided the moment, but when he noticed Penny hurrying him he started running towards the door to then enter through the small passage (which was for Mittens). He ran into the house running through the kitchen, dodging everything to then run up the stairs.

"Lightning?" said Mittens seeing the dog seemingly running away from something. This also drew the attention of Rhino, who was sitting on the couch with the cat.

"What happened?" asked Rhino as he saw Penny also make her way upstairs after the dog.

"We'll find out in a minute," said Mittens laying down on the leather couch and listening in. She expected to hear voices coming from upstairs soon. Bolt went into Penny's room followed by the girl who locked the door behind her. The dog's heart started pounding faster and faster, his pulse jumped. At first he even wanted to hide in some corner, but seeing the girl, he knew it was too late. Only now did he realize what a huge mistake he had made destroying the TV for Lucas. It was his job to stop their bond from deteriorating And he did so it happened with even more effect than it would have without him.

"Bolt, what the hell do you think you're doing!" shouted Penny after a moment's silence, which worried Bolt even more, who knew the girl was going to shout at him anyway. When she did he politely sat in the middle of the room with his tail curled and ears drooping, listening to every word she said.

"For the first time in my life there's someone I can talk to in peace, laugh with, be myself, and you're trying to ruin that for me! Bolt, I don't want to live just the show either, I want to be Penny in real life, the real one, not just the show. I also want to live "

All this argument was listened to by Mittens and Rhino, who already knew that it was necessary to sympathize with Bolt. Despite their sympathy, they were strongly puzzled by Penny's attitude. She had never raised her voice at her dog before, let alone lock herself in a room with him.

" Ah Bolt... I told you not to do anything stupid" Mittens sighed as she listened to Penny continue shouting.

"Lucas invited me and you over so he could meet you, and you do what? You're smashing his TV! But for what? What did you do that for? What was the purpose? To end the meeting on a bad note? Then bravo, you succeeded!"

"Sorry... I didn't know..." Bolt said. (Penny heard this as a quiet groan.

"Ekh Bolt..." said an already calmer Penny sitting down on the bed. Bolt turned, then made eye contact with Penny.

"You have to realise that I won't always be there for you And I'll have to... You know... Go with someone else AND leave you..." announced Penny as calmly as she could.

Lightning hearing those words thought his heart would tear in two. He had never heard more brutal words from Penny before.

Once he and Penny were inseparable, they did everything together, they were best friends, now the girl makes him realize that there will come a time that they will have to separate.

"Yeah... So please, learn something from today and please don't repeat it next time" the girl said sternly and then rose from the bed leaving the room. As she walked down the stairs she was watched by Mittens and Rhino, who had been discussing all this time what it was all about. When Penny came down without Bolt they realised that something serious had happened.

"Let's go see Bolt," Mittens said as Penny disappeared into the kitchen. They got off the couch to then walk up the stairs and entered Penny's room. In it, the dog lay on the floor under the bed with its tail curled and ears drooping.

"Lightning..." said Mittens, but there was no response from the Dog.

"Lightning!" repeated Mittens again.

"Hm?" groaned Bolt quietly as he heard a familiar voice.

"What happened that Penny and you... You two are kind of at odds?"

"I so honestly don't want to talk about it too much," replied Bolt quietly.

"Maybe we can help you in some way?" asked Rhino.

"No, Rhino... I doubt you can help me in this situation" replied Bolt with a slight smile.


"Trace her..." sighed Bolt stopping his friends from asking further questions. There was an awkward silence for a moment, which didn't really bother Bolt who was staring at the floor as if he was looking for something there.

"I mean..." she wanted to ask Mittens, but a confirming motion with the dog's head was enough.

"Yes... Penny," confirmed Bolt a moment later.

"I don't know what happened, but you said so yourself, remember? Penny's not like that" replied Mittens.

"Well... I hope so at least..." replied Bolt. There was the sound of a doorbell ringing from downstairs. It was Penny's mum, who had returned with the shopping.

"Dears I'm back!" the woman communicated.

Bolt: JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now