Chapter 1 - The Sickly Routine

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I smacked my hand on my alarm clock and let out a heavy sigh, I'm here for another fucking day. I wiped my face then I had to force myself out of bed, I even had to count down. It was still dark out, since it was still 5AM, and I always preferred the night to the day - it's peaceful and calming. I itched my scalp as I stumbled over to the bathroom for my morning shower.

I rubbed away the steam from my mirror and took a good look at myself. I had light skin since I was terrible for tanning. My brunette hair was always so fluffy and shiny, it was my favourite asset. I ran my finger across my sharp jawline and stopped at my warm lips. My ocean blue eyes always stood out to most people but I didn't like my eyes. My dad had gorgeous blue eyes, that I inherited... now I just see him when I see my eyes. I brushed my teeth then ran to my bedroom to change.

As I hurried over to the stairs, a man left the spare bathroom and I nearly bumped into him I was rushing so fast.
"Woah!" He chuckled, dodging me. I spun around to get a good look at one of my mums scores to see he was a man triple my age. He had grey hair, an unclean stubble. He had a scrawny bodies full of random, ugly, Texas related tattoos. His hazel eyes stared right through me and he had an unclean looking face, even with his wet hair and towel around his waist.
"I'm sorry there girly, I didn't mean to startle ya" he nervously said to me, holding onto his towel. I looked him up and down slowly then met his eyes again.
"Seems you made yourself at home" I gave him a sarcastic smile then rushed back down to the kitchen.

I quickly made two bowls of cereal, and I spilt the milk and cereal over the counter.
"Shit" I gasped to myself, running my shaking hand through my hair as I stared at the mess I made. My mother stumbled in and she still had yesterday's makeup on. She had blonde hair, pale hazel eyes and she didn't dress or act her age (39). I growled under my voice then I tossed away the cereal from me and cleaned up the mess I made using some kitchen roll.

"Morning honey" she said to me tiredly, pouring herself a coffee. I checked the time on my watch, ignoring my mother, to see it was 6:30.
"Can you get Dylan and Riley up please?" I begged my mother while I threw away the dirty wipes, having no hopes she'll say yes.
"I'm sorry honey but I'm just too tired" she dramatically yawned and adjusted the dressing gown on her while she leaned on the island, cupping her coffee. I rolled my eyes, fisting my hands together while I ran around the kitchen some more. The man I bumped into upstairs stumbled into the kitchen and made his way over to my mother, planting a kiss on her lips and helping himself to a cup of coffee.
"Oh yeah, I can give you guys some back massages too if you want" I scoffed at the sight of them and my mother frowned at me.
"Grace Brooke-" she tried to say but I spoke over her pathetic voice.
"Yeah, mum, you still remember my name. How about your two boys upstairs? Oh, and I don't mean your play boys either" I snarled to her. She stared at me gob smacked, as well as her trophy, and I knew she wouldn't try run after me so I raced upstairs and woke up my two little brothers, who are my world.

Dylan, he was the oldest (11). He loved sports, especially football and he was very sweet. He was often shy but still attempted to participate in school events. God, his confidence and charisma reminded me so much of dad - I see so much in him. He often struggles in school but never gives up. He has great friends around him but sadly, not a great mother.

Riley, he was the youngest (7). Riley was always up to mischief, he always wanted to explore new things and really put himself out there, he is a handful most times but it's all worth it to see him tell me all these stories he came up with, while he rests on my lap with his favourite meal (sushi) on his lap. I never know how to shut him up, yet I don't mind listening to him.

I stood outside their door, trying to gather myself together before I let them see me. I took in deep breaths, then cracked a smile on my broken face. Once I was ready, I creaked open their door to see them laid in their beds, fast asleep. They were peaceful... innocent.
"Hey there sleepyheads" I flickered their light off and on playfully, making Dylan groaned out loud, covering his head with a pillow. Riley sat up, wiping his tired eyes.
"Is it school time?" Riley yawned to me, itching his chin. I giggled and nodded my head at him.
"Okay..." he sighed, crawling out of bed and going over to his dresser. Dylan still hadn't moved so I tip toed Over and towered over his bed.
"Dylaaaan" I hummed to him, poking him.
"5 more minutes" he stated, sounding muffled. I scoffed and then went in to tickle his stomach. He tried to escape me and he started screaming in laughter, then he surrendered.
"Okay, stop it Grace!" He shrieked. I smirked and removed the pillow from his head and he got out of bed and went to change.

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