Sometimes, parents suck at parenting

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Dean was sitting in his class, fidgeting with some buttons on his shirt. Beside him, sat Aruj, a new student everyone was suddenly interested in, cause he was hot. He was born and raised in India, and just a year ago, his family had moved into the neighborhood. But as soon as they shifted here, his family suffered a sudden loss, his grandma passed away. That's why he took a year off and was now starting fresh.

He had attempted to conversate with Dean a few times before, but to his no avail, Dean had kept the conversation usually to the formalities itself, and nothing more.

"You don't look fifteen," Aruj said one day.

"That's because I'm not fifteen," Dean said as he copied the gibberish mathematical stuff written on the blackboard.

"Really? Same here! What's your age then?" He shrieked.


"Me too!" And that, was how they started conversating with each other even more.

He had invited Dean to some of his elder friends' parties, but Dean had denied to all of them. My parents won't allow, Dean had said. Aruj had called them boring and too overprotective. If only he knew the real reason.

"So what is it with this Aruj dude?" Castiel asked him while Dean grabbed one of his dad's beer bottles from the fridge. Mary had gone out with some of her friends to party, and John was out, drinking. John usually didn't come home till midnight whenever he went to the bar to get drunk, and it was only 8 pm right now. As for Mary, well, she wasn't gonna come home till tomorrow morning.

"Huh?" Dean asked again, being too busy opening the beer bottle.

"I asked what was up with this Aruj dude."

"Oh, nothing, we're just like, friends or something. Don't worry Cas," Finally, the beer bottle opened, and Dean took a short sip out of it, "Your chances of being with me aren't ruined yet." He winked, and Castiel blushed scarlet.

"That wasn't why I was asking anyway." Castiel feigned exasperation.

"Oh c'mon. I know you like me." Dean grinned.

Castiel stared at Dean, as if trying to read his expression, and then said, "Okay fine, so what if I do? You're just a really great person to be with," Castiel walked towards Dean, whose eyes were going wide, "And it's not like you being hot helps push down the feelings or anything..." Castiel purred, leaning towards Dean.

Dean let out a strained breath. "Do you not feel the same way, Dean?" Castiel looked down at Dean's lips. "Ca-as," Dean's breath hitched in his throat, and as for his heart, well, it was about to burst out of his chest. He was about to do something stupid, but then he saw Castiel's lips spread into a wide, mischievous, and triumphant grin. He then broke into a burst of hysterical laughter. That, fucking, bastard.

"What the hell, dude?! You scared me there for a second!" Dean shouted out, over Castiel's laughter.

"Dean, did you say anything?" He heard a yell from upstairs. Shit, Sam's studying upstairs. He whispered to himself before he replied, "Nah, just reading a sentence from my book out loud." Dean slightly elbowed Castiel's ribs, "I hate you." He gritted, and then gulped down half the beer down his throat, trying to forget whatever had just happened.

"Awww, c'mon, you know you love me." Castiel slightly imitated Dean's words from before.

Dean rolled his eyes, "Shut up." As soon as the words left his mouth, the front door opened, and John stepped into the house. Dean froze. "Dean, hide the beer." Castiel urged, and Dean immediately hid the beer bottle under the kitchen table, but John caught his eye as he did so.

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