Sophie Gets A Sibling?

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Gail and I got the surprise of our life at three am. The one thing I never knew about was my ex wife being pregnant with twins. The real shocker was that the father of these twins was my cousin. I am his last relative and apparently Sophie is her last relative. So they both left any children to me and whoever my spouse was at the time to take and raise. So we have to fly to Atlanta to pick up two babies that were delivered after their parents were killed on the way to the hospital. So Gail, Sophie, Carrick, Grace and I are headed to handle everything. Carrick for legal and Grace for medical, Gail to start adoption paperwork and Sophie to attend her mothers funeral. Mr Grey is giving me leave to handle everything. Apparently my ex married a very wealthy man and we have to listen to the reading of the will. Then handle his burial as well. My cousin and I were never close so I had no idea about his will and Denise never told me anything about getting married or her will. Plus I doubt she even asked about his family. Communication was not her forte. Which was a huge problem for us both.
Denise Robertson was pronounced dead on the operating table after an emergency C section to deliver full term twins. A girl and a boy. Both were put on oxygen after they were finally delivered. They are in NICU at Atlanta General Hospital. Emergency numbers for both were his attorneys and then me.
Attorney Joseph Lambert
I call Jason Taylor at three am and inform him he was named as the next of kin for both my clients and would inherit their children if any were born and their estate. Plus he would take care of their burial or cremation. Denis and David Charles had no one left in this world but Jason and Sophie Taylor as blood relatives. I am in the hospital waiting just in case I need to sign for any medical procedures. So I am waiting with documents to be signed and my documents giving me power of attorney of the Charles children and their dead parents bodies for now. I called for a notary to come to the hospital later this morning so I can get all the papers completed and done in one day.
Sophie is distraught about her mother but happy she is going to meet her brother and sister. Carrick and Grace are coming to help us with the legal and medical issues we might be facing. We are flying on the GEH jet and Christian has given us access to one of his jets and flight crew for the time we need it. Hopefully it won't be long. Elliott will be asked to create two nurseries in our home while we are gone. Anastasia is overseeing it and Sophie and I have started picking names and all the baby furniture out along with the schemes for each room. By the time we get back home everything will be bought for two babies coming home from the hospital.
Christian and I are in the baby store getting what we can for two new born babies and I am walking around looking at things that will go with what Elliott is creating in the rooms. I have just walked to look at a couple of different furniture combinations when this salesperson starts getting a bit to friendly with Christian. I wave the body guard over and go ask the girl to find her manager immediately. No body touches my husband like that. Sheila was on her name tag and I told her politely once we didn't need her help with anything. She waited until we were apart and started rubbing my husbands arm and he tried to get away from her. Then I heard her tell him she could satisfy all his needs. I have decided go fulfill my husbands needs to be protected from a female predator. I noticed she unbuttoned her blouse showing a bit too much of everything. I laughed as Christian hid behind me and his bodyguard. Poor man didn't have a chance to tell her to keep her hands off him. We did it for him and the tigress I am came out to protect her mate. I then knew that this is the same Sheila that Christine warned me about. I guess the best way to find a wealthy man married or not us in a high end baby store and here she is. An hour later Sheila no longer has a job and has apologized for her behavior to me and Christian. The manager personally helped us along with three other sales people who were extremely kind and never touched us. It wasn't the arm rubbing I was mad about get reached for his crotch area when she said she could satisfy all his needs. He backed up behind something very quickly and I knew what she had attempted. The slut.
Sheila Randall
I found working in a high end baby store you can meet wealthy men looking to buy for family and friends and they have a lot of money. I just clocked in and started straightening things and stocking things when I see Christian Grey walk in with two bodyguards, I unfortunately failed to notice the midget walking beside him. I immediately unbuttoned my blouse to show off my assets and pull my skirt up higher and head over to ask if he needed my help my anything, anything at all and wink at him. I reach out to touch him and the midget puts herself in front of him and says they don't need my help. I look past her and tell mr Grey my name is Sheila and to come find me for anything he might need from me. I decide to wait until the midget and he head to separate areas and she can't see what I am about to do. I heard things about Christian Grey from a few of his exes and decide again to proposition him and this time check out his package. Not only did he block my attempts his bodyguard and the midget blocks me from getting to her husband. The manager us immediately called and I am fired and told to apologize if I want my last paycheck. I apologize and security along with a bodyguard escorts me off the premises. Now I have to find a new job.

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