Theodore's Birthday

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I am unfortunately on a trip to New York and they better have everything ready for my signatures or heads will roll. For some reason I have to be here to sign everything in person. No faxed copies and they waited until the last minute to agree to the deals. Plus little Christian is walking and finally running through the house. He has been getting out of his baby bed as well. Anastasia is battling with a nanny regarding her attire at our home. It our fourth one over the same thing, Gail has been on this one about it. So they will be firing her if she doesn't stop with wearing provocative attire. It isn't just around me it is at all times. I tell them to just fire her and hire someone else. They want to hire a manny instead, they believe a male would be beneficial for little Christian. He would be able to be a body guard unlike the nannies. It is hard to find a nanny who has skills in bodyguard functions as well. So they think hiring a manny would deter people from attempting kidnapping our son.
I am sick of Tiffany and even though she came highly recommended, she just can't do as asked and I am too pregnant to argue with her anymore. My dad says he knows a guy who is looking to be a bodyguard and caretaker of young children rather than guarding adults. He has military training and needs a less hectic career. James Kincaid came over to interview and had a glowing back ground check even Taylor was impressed. He really doesn't look like a CPO and little Christian took to him immediately. You would think they were related or something. Black hair and has the same color eyes as little Christian. At twenty five he has seen a lot and been through a lot. After he saved the family her protected from a bomb he decided to became a manny/CPO. We hired him immediately and it will turn out to be the best choice for all of us.
James Kincaid
Raymond Steele had hired me for a PI and realized that I had bodyguard experience we spoke for a bit and he asked if I ever considered being a manny? I thought about it and said not many people want a man watching their little ones, so I never got a chance. He told me his daughter was needing someone to replace a nanny who just wouldn't dress appropriately and would do as she pleased in their home. I told him I would consider the job if I liked the child and they like me and I got along with the family. I would also be a bodyguard so my skills would come in handy.
A day later I have a live in manny position with Mr and Mrs Grey. Mrs Grey is very pregnant.
James Kincaid, Anastasia and I face timed his interview and I was satisfied and we hired him during the interview and he is now living in a room close to the nurseries. I go back to work and hope everything goes well with this one.
Gail called me and told me the manny is turning out to be a good influence over little Christian and Sophie. He has been making sure they are safe and he plays with them and makes sure they are clean and he is teaching them games to play. Sophie really likes him and tells me we need more like him working at the Grey's.
I have been hurting all day and Christian is supposed to be headed back tonight. I call Gail and she comes to sit with me. James is busy with Sophie and little Christian. My pain is getting worse so we decide to call the doctor and grab my bag for a trip to the hospital. Ryan is getting the car when my water breaks and I can't make it to the door. Ryan carries me to a guest room on the main floor. Gail is behind him, the baby is coming and nothing is stopping him. Gail and Ryan are standing there when James ask one of the other security guys to watch the children and he has Gail help him remove my pants and underwear. The baby is coming and He asks Gail to get towels and a sheet to cover me up enough so only he and Gail can see what is going on. I am in severe pain and just then Christian walks in as the baby arrives and screams his lungs out. The EMTs who Rayan decided to call arrive and they place us on the gurney and we are taken to the hospital.
Not even a month and I delivered their newborn baby boy. Typical for the jobs I seem to get, luckily I had experience in delivering babies. At first I thought mr Grey was going to punch me out, but then he heard and saw I was delivering his baby boy. I am going to have a new charge and they have asked me if I know anyone that I trust to be a manny for the new boy. I definitely have had a friend who wants a job as a manny, but he might flirt with mr Grey. When I tell them that, they have me call him and come in for an interview. They tell me to explain no flirting with their employers is allowed. They do allow dating between staff as long as they keep it to their time off and no PDA while at work.
Stewart Howard
I am finally getting a job working for a Grey and being a manny like James. A good job and makes use of my bodyguard abilities and my wanting to work with children of all ages. My background is similar to James except his has siblings and I was an only child.
I am finally holding Theodore Raymond Grey in my arms he looks like Anastasia in a boy form. He is just adorable and I might not have cut the cord, but I was here for everything else. Anastasia is sleeping after breast feeding him for the second time. It is beautiful to watch her feed our son. Mom comes in and takes Theodore from me and tells me to get some sleep while she cares for Teddy. I finally rest under the blankets with Anastasia. I hear whispers and see that everyone is in the room looking as mom changes Teddy's diaper.
All the family are being quiet and taking videos and photos on the newest Grey.

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