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"I'm so nervous." Jimin mutters. "What if I failed?! I got question eight wrong and-"

"Babe, calm down. You're not gonna fail." Jungkook interrupts him. "You studied your ass off, and you're basically a genius. You'll be fine."

Jimin ignores him, still muttering under his breath, anxiously drumming his fingernails on the table.

Jungkook's name is called out, and he quickly gets up, smiles back at Jimin who flashes him a supportive grin and heads to the teacher's desk, grabbing his papers. He doesn't bother to look at them right there, just goes back to his seat. Hoseok is called up next, then Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung, Yoongi, and then finally, Jimin.

Jimin laughs nervously, smoothes his sweater out and makes his way to the front, grabs the papers and practically runs back to his seat, clamping a hand over his mouth to avoid screaming, crying, or both.

"You're so annoying." Yoongi complains, grabbing his test and flipping it around. "Look you fucktard, you got an A."

"I did?" Jimin asks, peering at the 98% written on top, an A right next to it.

"If you complain about your two percent off, I'm actually gonna castrate you." Hoseok warns.

Jimin laughs airily, his heart still racing from earlier. "Don't worry, I'm happy with this."

"You better be." Jungkook retorts, nudging him. "Your efforts payed off by the way, I also got an A. 91% which balances out my shitty class participation."

"Good job." Jimin praises, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "What about the rest of y'all?"

"100." Namjoon replies. "Jin did really well, he got 90."

"Says the bitch who got full score." Jin replies. "But yeah, I'm still happy."

"80, but that's good enough since I plan to get in with a sports scholarship." Yoongi answers.

"Same." Hoseok responds. "88 for me and 96 for Tae."

"Fuck yeah!" Jungkook practically shouts, quieting as everyone looks at them. "Shit that was a bit too loud- anyways, who's place are we going to?"

"My parents allowed me to bring over a couple friends for the night if I get an A." Jin offers. "And Hobi, no, you're not inviting the whole school."

Hoseok sighs but nods. "Fine. It'll just be us. And Jihyun due to our personal mission."

Taehyung perks up. "Jihyun's coming?"

"Duh." Seokjin replies. "Me and my boo need more bonding time."


"It's platonic." Namjoon answers. "Apparantly they're soulmates cause they have a really compatible birthchart and shit."


"Anyways," Jin interrupts, nudging Taehyung. "Remember what we talked about? Follow through with the plan."

Tae pouts, glaring at Jin. "But Jin! I don't want to! It's scary! Involves too many feelings and what-ifs and-"

"You pinky-promised me. If you don't do it, I'm legally allowed to chop off your finger."


"Seeya in a bit, Tae!" Hoseok calls, slamming the car door shut.

Taehyung nods, leaning against his own car, his fingers nervously tapping against the black metal as he waits for Jihyun.

"Hey Jihyun!" Taehyung calls upon seeing him, a smile on his face as he waves him over. "Love the sweatshirt."

"It's literally just grey." Jihyun replies, looking confused.

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