Then he whipped around the corner. Carter eased up slightly then turned to me. His face was an absolute mess.

"Did he do this!?" I panicked.

"Nah, I fell down the stairs at my house," he brushed me off.

The way that just casually slipped from his lips made me worry. I don't think that is the first time he's told someone that.

"Are you s-"

"Ezra. I am fine," he reassured.

I nodded and then the bell rang. He sped off the class and I walked quickly behind him. We took our seats in maths for the 2nd time this week. After today it would be Friday, and then the weekend. Finally!

I listened to the teacher blabber on for about 20 minutes before she told the class to get in pairs and work through the maths problems. I tapped Carter and he turned to look at me.

"Yes, I'll work with you," he said without me even having to ask.

Was I that predictable. I took a spare seat next to him and we began going through the problems. he was much, much better at maths than I thought he was. I mean he was a smart kid, usually top of the class but he was speeding through these. He had am answer before I could even read the first sentence.


Lunch came around quickly, I went over to Carter and leant against his locker once again.

"You love just leaning against people lockers, don't you?" He said.

"Nah, just yours," I said cheesily.

He rolled his eyes and the pushed me lightly so he could open the locker again. I watched him scan through his books before putting them in and shutting the door.

"So, I thought maybe you could come sit with me and my friends?" He looked at me wide-eyed.

He shook his head. This was going to be harder than I thought, but then again it took me ages for him to even say a sentence to me, so why I thought this was going to be easier, I don't know.

"Please! They would love you," I pleaded him. He scratched at his unexposed neck and that's when I realised he was wearing a jacket.

"Dude it's like 100 degrees and you are wearing that," I pointed to the bulky black jacket.

He shrugged and smiled. it wasn't a genuine smile, but I took it.

"Please," I begged one last time.

He shook his head and I knew that would be his final answer. I sighed and let him walk off to where I presume would be the courtyard. I however made my way to a table in the cafeteria.

"Hey Ez," Noah spoke as I sat down.

"Hey," I smiled weakly.

"Didn't you say that like your new buddy was going to come and sit with us today?" He asked as I pulled out a packet of chips.

"Yeah he didn't want to. He is a bit shy I guess?" It wasn't a guess, I knew he was shy or something along those lines.

"Who is he anyway, I might know him?" Ruby asked. She most likely would know him because he was known in the grade, not exactly for a good reason.

"Yeah Carter," I told her.

Her eyes lit up, she definitely heard the name before. I mean I guess who hasn't. Carter probably didn't even know his name existed to most of the grade but it does.

"Yeah, the nerd right?" Brodie laughed.

"He isn't a nerd," I said defensively.

"Woah dude, it's not a bad thing. though the kid just seems a but depressed, odd? I don't know." He lifted his hands up dramatically.

I hummed a response it was more to say "you can shut the fuck up now before I spike your eye out with your own fork."


The end of the day came quickly, I saw Carter walking out of school, guess he forgot that I was taking him to work today. I chased after him calling his name and he eventually turned back to me.

"Umm yeah?" He asked.

"I said I would drive you to work, and again, i am not taking no for an answer," I smirked as he tried to object.

He finally sighed and agreed to letting me take him.

He followed me to my car and I opened the passenger seat for him. Reluctantly he hopped in and then I started driving. He worked in a supermarket not too far away from the school, it was actually pretty popular so I understood why he might have chosen to work here. they were always needing new people.

He mumbled a thank and I nodded my head then drove off. The kid really isn't a big talker is he? I shook my head and made my way back home, looking forward to seeing my mum and having dinner with her.


"So how has this week been so far?" My mum asked whilst sitting down.

"It's actually been pretty good, I made this new friend. His name is Carter Dylson." I told her with a wide smile.

"Hmm I've never heard his name before...but Dylson does ring a bell," she thought for a moment.

Could it be possible that she knew someone in his family?

"Do you know his mother's name by any chance?" She asked.

I shook my head no.

"I don't really know much about him, except he is a really smart guy and he gets bullied in school. He isn't much of a talker, he is also gay" I added on.

She looked at me wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"Have you got a little boy crush honey?"

"Even if I did, I wouldn't be telling you," I said, digging into the potato bake.


After dinner I started on some homework and then my phone began to continuously vibrate. Carter's name appeared on the screen. When I answered I heard a ragged breath on the other line.

"Carter are you alright?" I asked concerned.

"Y-yeah, can you please come pick me up?" I looked at the time, 9 pm.

"Yeah from where?"

"Work," he answered.

Why was he still at work at this time. I told him I was on my way then I rushed to get to the supermarket. When I got there I saw Carter on the sidewalk. He had a cut on the side of his head. I helped him into my jeep and then drove off.

"What happened dude?" I asked.

He looked down into his lap. I pulled over so we could talk.

"N-nothing, I just hit my head on the counter," he was definitely hiding something but I didn't wanna push it.

"Ok then," I answered unsurely.

"Can you just drive me to the school, I'll walk home from there." He sighed.

"No way! I am driving you home, where do you live?"

He told me his address and then we began the drive there. HE was silent most the way until we got to the school.

"Sorry for making you come out. I don't know what I was umm thinking," he sounded sad and guilty.

"It's fine." I tried to assure him.

"I guess I just felt light-headed," he chuckled.

"I will always be around to help you, ok? I'm not going to let this friendship go. I don't know what it is but there's something about you that makes me want more and I can't control it."

He looked at me shocked as we pulled up in his street, the car slowed down until it came to a stop.

"Guess this is goodbye," I smiled.

He nodded.

We said out goodbye's and then I watched him walking into the house and close the door. I drove off back in the direction of my house but then decided I would take detour to an old park that I loved.

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