xvi.The Bright Side

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"I said no."

"But I said yes."

"And yet I'm still saying no."

"Remus!" Aurora huffed.

She had been trying to get Remus to give her some of his potion to put in a vial.

All in all, Potions wasn't her strongest subject, and now that it was nearly the end of January, the freesing cold didn't help.

Slughorn was walking around looking at everyone's final results but Aurora had (obviously) screwed up and was cautious at the fact her potion was about to grow arms.

Therefore, she was asking Remus for his potion.

"Rory! It's the fifth bloody time this year! And I mean the New Year, let alone the academic one!"

Suddenly, Aurora had a lightbulb moment.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out an uneaten chocolate bar. She was planning to eat it during a lesson she got hungry in...but this was more important. And it was one of Remus' favourites.

James, Sirius and Peter watched from the side, knowing how this game played out.

"Oi, Wormtail. 10 sickles that Rory will win this...as usual," James smirked.

Peter shook his head, "No, mate, 5 galleons that Remus will actually win this for once."

"Oh, dream big, princess," Sirius scoffed.

James chuckled, "You're on."

Aurora took the chocolate and waved it dramatically under Remus' nose and in front of his eyes, "Mmmm, delicious chocolate and it's all for me. Unless...?"

Remus looked at the chocolate longingly before huffing, "Damn you."

He snatched the chocolate and stuffed it in his pocket before quickly ladling some of his potion into Aurora's vial and casting a spell to get rid of the nightmare inside her cauldron.

"Thaaank you," she smirked.

"Shut up," Remus scowled.

Peter relectantly put the money into James' hand.

"Thaaank you," James winked.

"Shut up," Peter huffed.


"But I'm merely saying that hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (ha! try saying that five times faster gred and forge), arachibutyrophobia, omphalophobia, chaetophobia, globophobia and optophobia are all real things!" Aurora huffed as she munched angrily on some bread.

She had gotten into an argument with McGonagall about the topic which resulted in a detention and a very angry Aurora.

Her friends stared at her blankly.

"Right now, I'm not even sure those are real words let alone real things," Marlene shrugged.

"Oi!" Aurora chucked the bread roll at Marlene, "They are all very much real  phobias that exist!"

"Okay, then, Mr. Smarty Pants," Mary said pointedly, "What's hippo...hippopotamus-roses-bibbitybobbity-phobia?"

Aurora rolled her eyes, "It's pronounced hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Mary. It's not terribly hard. And it's the fear of, well, long words." 

"And...the others?"

"Arachibutyrophobia- the fear of having peanut butter stick to the roof of your mouth. Omphalophobia- the fear of belly buttons. Chaetophobia- the fear of hair. Globophobia- the fear of balloons. And optophobia is the fear of opening your eyes."

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