iv.The Usual

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"Aurora Rosenthal, McGonagall will have your head if you're late ti the first lesson of the year. Get your ass out of bed!" Marlene shouted as she grabbed the pillow from beneath Aurora's head and thwacking it in her face.

Aurora groaned, "McKinnon, I swear to Merlin that-"

"You can swear to Merlin later, get dressed!"

"'I'll be careful' she said," Molly spoke in the background.

Aurora rubbed her eyes, sitting up. She saw all of her friends were dressed and Lily was tapping her watch as if to make a point.


"It's fine, my dear friends, Minnie loves me- whenever I get detention, she gives me biscuits!"

"Rory!" the girls all shouted.

"Fine, I'm going, I'm going," Aurora grumbled, quickly getting out of bed, "Some people have got their panties in a twist."

The girls huffed, causing Molly to speak, "Look, I'm sorry but Transfiguration starts in five minutes and we're not one of Minnie's favourites-"

"Pshh, favourite? I'm not one of Minnie's favourites!.....you really think so?"

"-we'll see you on class, okay? Do you know where the classroom is?"

"What kind of question in that, Molly?! Of course I know where the classroom is! Why would you ask that?"

"Because on the last day of third year you forgot where the common room was."

"Oh. Okay."

"Bye, Rory," the girls chuckled.

Aurora was not on time.

Aurora was late.

In fact, she was 20 minutes late.

The usual.

"Hello, Miss. Rosenthal," McGonagall said briskly.

"Heyyy, Minnie," Aurora nodded at the professor she loved to annoy the most.

"Care to explain why you're late?" McGonagall raised a brow.

"I was busy," Aurora shrugged.

"Doing what?"


"Of course you were," Sirius chimed in.

"Oh shut it, Black," Aurora turned to Sirius.

"But I just got a case of 'tell Rory she can be stupid from time to time'" he leaned back in his chair.

"And suddenly I just got a case of the 'fuck you's'!" Rory said, faking cheerfulness.

"Aurora Lyra Rosenthal! There will be no such language used in this classroom!" McGonagall scolded.

Aurora stayed silent for a while before speaking up, "...so Professor Flitwick's classroom instead?"

"Merlin!" McGonagall shouted, angry, "Okay, now I've received a case of 'taking away points'. Rosenthal, that'll be five points for being late, five points for that unwanted language and Black another five points for joining in unnecessarily. Oh, and five points from each of you for being a pain."

"Minnie!" Aurora gasped, putting a hand to her heart and plopping dramatically in the swag between James and Peter, "I feel betrayed, to be completely honest. The guest list for tonight's party is anger, betrayal and sadness."

"Yes, well, it's better than my guest list," the professor mumbled under her breath.
She took a deep breath and started talking to the whole class again, "Right, I asked you all to but a new Transfiguration book and do the first homework assignment in it."

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