I had to do Flynn's homework. I thought about Ezra. "Why are you doing his homework?" The answer to that I did not know. Maybe it was because I was intimidated, probably so. I looked at my phone, a few texts from Ezra flashed up. The thought of having a friend made me smile. I'm smiling. Then the familiarity hit me.


"Are you ok?" Martin's frantic voice and expression came into vision.

I sat up to find myself in Michael's living room, why was I hear.

"What happened?" I said, my voice was squeaky.

I cleared my throat then looked up to my best friend.

"Flynn happened," he rolled his eyes.

I really had to start standing up for myself, I thought. Though it was hard, I really did try but he was far stronger than I was.

"You stayed with us and then passed out in my mum's car," he explained.

I nodded my head understanding and giving off the message that the memories were coming to me, when really they didn't ring a bell. I stood up and my vision went blurry again. Martin grabbed my arm and steadied me.

"Take it easy bro," he chuckled lightly. I was lucky to have him.


The fact he was gone killed me. He knew me so well, he knew what was going with my dad, and Ty, he helped me through everything, but then he moved and wanted nothing to do with me. I let someone in my life and they betrayed me. I can only hope that the same won't happen with Ezra.

Me: Hey

Ezra: Hey, what are you up to

Me: Nothing much, came back from work around 10 minutes ago

Ezra: Your working at 8:30pm?

Me: Oh yeah

Ezra: Why?

Me: Because I like it

Ezra: That's gotta be a lie

Me: Haha, I have to go. Ttyl


He was probably joking around but he got something right. I hated working, but if I didn't work, I wouldn't be able to afford food for my dad and I wouldn't be able afford booze either. I never wanted a job but when I was 12 my dad forced me to go do something, so I did.

I lay in bed, not in it, just on it. I stare up at my ceiling. My eyes soon drooped closed.


"Get up Faggot!" My eyes snapped open to my dad.

I jumped up and he wrapped his hand around my throat tightly. I gasped for air. Soon enough my legs buckled and he laughed. Kicking me in the ribs multiple times, then he kicked my face several times before leaving. Just as I was about to get up he returned, forcing his shoe on me to hold me down.

"Stay still boy or it will hurt more," he warned.

Before I knew it, a steaming burn came onto my chest, burning my shirt and into my skin. Fuck, that hurt.

"I-It hurts p-p-please s-stop," I whimpered. He ignored me and placed it on the other side of my chest.

"Take it like a man, I will not have my son be a weakling. Actually you're not my son, you're your mother's son. And I'll tell you right now that she would have been very. Very! Disappointed in you. You killed her brat! And now you owe your life to me to make it up to me. Understood?"

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