26 - Happy Birthday Bud

Depuis le début

He chuckles and hugs me even tighter "Of course bud" he assures me.

"What am I A potato?" mom pouts as she walks up to us.

My mom was very pretty. She was slim and had long legs, her black straight hair flowed all the way down to her tiny waist, we had the same lips and nose but unlike mine her eyes were brown. I get my baby blue eyes from father and we'd sometimes use it to our advantage. We'd do our puppy dog eyes if we wanted something. Like this one time we wanted mom to extend my bed time by an hour so dad and I could finish watching my favourite cartoon. We had conjured up our best puppy dog eyes and stuck out our bottom lips, no way she could say no!

"of course not honey c'mere" dad gently places me down and wraps his arm around his wife's waist.

They share a long kiss and I quickly cover my eyes, holding back a gag.


They just laugh at me as this isn't the first time this has happened.

Mom was about to pull away when father grabs her by her wrist reeling her back in and whispering something in her ear that made her giggle and softly push him back.

"come on sweety let's go, daddy is getting very naughty" she sends a glare towards her husband who just grinned boyishly. And after our final goodbyes we took off.

Mom and I played loud music all the way to the fair, singing our throats out. We probably sounded like dying pigs as people in traffic beside us would send us glares. But we didn't care, we sang to our heart's content.

It was now sunset and I begged mom to let us go on the Farris Wheel. We showed our tickets and the conductor let us on. He seemed a bit distracted but we paid it no mind. Mom had the camera as she wanted to take a picture of us with the sunset in the background when the ride stopped mid air. The Ferris Wheel slowly began to go up and I hold unto the bars of the seat tightly.

"Did you have fun today honey?" mom asks

I look up at her and smile brightly "i had so much fun mommy I can't wait to show papa all the pictures we took"

Suddenly the ride stopped mid air and both mom and I posed for a picture. She held up the camera...

"Say cheeseeeee" she had said

"cheeseee" and she clicked the photo of us.

I hug her tight wanting to let her know how much I loved her. She nuzeled her face into my hair and whispered...

"Happy birthday baby"

Then everything happened in slow motion. One second she was right beside me the next she was falling from the sky like a rock.

"mommyyyy!!!!!" I screamed reaching my tiny hand out trying to catch her. But she was too far away. I heard a loud 'splat' then suddenly the Ferris Wheel was moving again, this time to the ground. I didn't care though I just wanted my mommy. I get off the ride and push pass the crowd of people that had gathered. Then I see her. My mommy, her body folded in ways unimaginable, surrounded by a pool of her blood. I hug her and cried my eyes out, screaming, hollering for someone to wake my mommy up. Although deep inside of me I knew what death was and I knew that this was it. But my mommy couldn't be dead! She just couldn't!!!

I hear the sounds of sirens get louder and in a second people in uniforms were hustling and bustling all around me. I paid them no attention and just cried and cried and cried, holding unto my mother's cold body in my arms until everything went black.

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