A New Friend

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A/N: Yoooo! This picture of Bill Cypher is awesome! All credit goes to my friend who made this.  She is an amazing artist and has made plenty of amazing drawings like this one.
Her Instagram is - nikk.stikk
Her Twitter is - @nikstikk

No One's POV

(Y/N), Eda, Luz, and King were all at a park, where King was playing with a bunch of other kids. The other three were sitting on a park bench nearby for Luz to be worried, "What if he gets hurt? What if the other kids are mean to him? My parental instincts are freaking out, man." Eda was the opposite as she was relaxed, "He's fine. Look at him." The three looked at King to see him try to climb up a slide for Luz to feel a little relieved, "It does look like he's having fun. I wonder what cute little game he is playing." King went up the slide successfully, just for a kid to push him down the slide. King ran up to the group of three as he whined, "Eda, that monster took my throne." Eda pointed at the child that he was talking about, "You mean the baby?" "No, the usurper. I want you to go over there and blow him up. Kaboom!" "Yeah I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five year old."

Eda then twisted the owl on her staff to make it come to life as she held him in his hands. Luz looked at the adorable little owl, "Aw, what a sweetie. How did you get him?" Luz raised an eyebrow, "Get?" She then pointed at herself, "I made Owlbert from the branch of an ancient tree." The witch looked down at the owl, "Ah, he's my Palisman, and we're bonded for life. I'd  annihilate anyone who hurt him." King crossed his arms, "Fine, don't help. Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by hand alone." The five year old then pushed King, "Tag. You're it." He then ran off for Eda to smile, "Oh man. Here we go. King's squeak of rage." King stood up to throw a tantrum as he squealed loudly, to then run off after the child. Eda was laughing so hard that tears appeared in her eyes, "He's like a little teakettle."

Owlbert got on Eda's shoulder to begin scratching it's head, for (Y/N) to notice a hole with a marking in Owlbert's foot, "Hey what's that?" Eda pointed at Owlbert's foot, "That's his interlock. So that he only fits under my staff." Eda grabbed her staff, "Every palisman has one." Eda all of a sudden passed out making Luz and (Y/N) worried. They laid her on the bench to begin shaking her as they kept saying her name. After a minute Eda woke up for the young teenagers to help her up as Luz asked, "Are you alright?" Eda looked at her pupils, "The curse. We have to get home. Now." Eda grabbed her staff to begin walking with (Y/N) following, for Luz to look at King, "King, we have to go!" King was standing in front of his child rival, "Five more minutes, please!" "King!" "Aw man." King pointed at the child, "This isn't over."

When the four got home Eda threw her staff down to fall onto the couch, with Owlbert flying above her and landing on the back of the couch. Luz walked up next to Eda, "I'll go get your elixir." Eda waved it off, "Don't worry about it. I'll get it myself in a bit." "Do you need (Y/N) and I to stay home and take care of you?" Luz then gasped, "I could put put King in a little doctor's outfit." "No one wants to see that." "I do." "Look, I know how to take care of myself. I've had this curse longer than you've been alive." "So, how'd you get it?" "Ugh, I don't know." (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, "You don't know?" "Somebody gave it to me. I don't know who and I don't care, because I'm fine, all right?"

Eda sat up, "Anyway, don't you have plans with Tweedledum and Twerpledee?" Luz thought about her plans, "Well, Willow, Gus and I are going to the grudgby game between Hexside and Glandus High." "Since when are you into sports?" "Since I found a little something called Hexside Pride. Argh, to think that Glandus, whoever they are, would dare face us." Eda looked at (Y/N), "Are you not going?" (Y/N) shrugged, "Snuck into game before. Not interesting to watch. Plus special berries bloom today. Get some for you and Luz." Luz stood next to (Y/N), "But we can stay if you need us to." Eda stood up, "Gross. Sympathy. Go. Go have fun at sport and pick berries." (Y/N) and Luz then left for the two to separate so that they could do their own thing. 

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