The Chase and The Library

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No One's POV

(Y/N) ran off of the beach and into the woods as he heard Lilith behind him. He soon came to a sudden halt as he was on the edge of a small cliff, as he did not like what he saw below him. He stopped so suddenly, that Lilith did not have time to react as she bumped into him make them both fall. The two landed feet first, but there was no pain. Lilith had her eyes closed to open them, just for her to realize the situation they were just in, "Quicksand?" (Y/N) had seen quicksand before and was able to avoid it, but this was the first time he had gotten stuck in it. He turned back into his human form as he started freaking out a little bit for Lilith to have her hands up to her shoulders, "Stop moving!" (Y/N) stopped flailing around for him to begin sinking slower. 

Lilith created a magic circle to try and lift herself up, however she was so deep that the quicksand stuck to her keeping her down. (Y/N) created a magic circle to cup his hands around his mouth and howl. The circle amplified his voice as it echoed through the woods. The two continued to sink for Lilith to use her magic to make a large vine come down. She grabbed it for (Y/N) to violently shake his head for Lilith to look at him, "What?" The vine then hissed for it raise it's head at Lilith showing that is was a large snake. (Y/N) quickly made a circle to make a ring of magic surround the snake. He quickly moved his finger to left and up sending the snake away as the two continued to sink. 

(Y/N) used the same magic on the snake to a large fallen branch to make it come to him. He then stuck it out towards solid ground for Lilith to cross her arms, "And what is that going to do?" (Y/N) looked at her to hold up a finger. Three wolves then came from the woods, to bite down hard on the branch, and pull (Y/N) out. (Y/N) thanked the wolves as they left, to then look back at Lilith who looked a little surprised by the animals' actions. She held her arms out for (Y/N) to sigh and stick the branch out towards her. She grabbed it for him to pull her out. Lilith sat on the ground as she looked at her now ruined clothes, "I can't return like this." She noticed (Y/N) walking away, so she went to get up to trip as (Y/N) created a magical ring around Lilith's ankles. 

Lilith used her magic to break it as she got up, "Why are you being so difficult?" (Y/N) turned around to face her as he raised an eyebrow. Lilith faced him, "I am trying to give you a home where you can actually reach your full potential. You could be recognized and be one the Emperor's top wizards and witches. So why do you stay with Edalyn?" (Y/N) picked up a rock and tossed it to his left. When the rock landed a bear trap went off as it flew into the air catching nothing. He picked it up and handed it to Lilith, "From your coven." Lilith checked it, "What? We don't make traps. Do we?" (Y/N) started walking away again for Lilith to trip as a magical ring was around her ankles and wrists. She struggled to end up not being able to use her magic, "I can't return with noting." (Y/N) stopped to raise his head slowly lower it. He plucked some fur off of his tail and handed it to Lilith. Lilith knew that his fur could help make powerful potions, "Thank you." 

(Y/N) went back to where his home should be, to see it actually in it's spot this time. He walked through the door to see that the place was a mess as Luz was cleaning up. She spotted him, "Your home!" Luz quickly hugged him for him to hug her back. Luz quickly backed up as she looked at him up and down, "Oh you are dirty. It seems like you had a lot of fun in the woods. Go take a shower before bed." (Y/N) nodded "Yes ma'am."  (Y/N) took a shower and got dressed in his comfy clothes to go to bed on the couch.

The Next Morning

When he woke up the next morning he was met by Luz, who was holding a plate of pancakes, "Happy late birthday." She handed him the plate for him to take a bite. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the fluffy disks covered in sweet syrup. Luz sat next to him, "What do you want to do today?" (Y/N) thought for a second to grab one of Luz's books and hand it to her, "You want me to read?" (Y/N) nodded for Luz to open to the page that they left off. She sat on one side of the couch as (Y/N) ate his pancakes on the other side. Luz cleared her throat to begin reading. 

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