Piano Lesson

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No One's POV

(Y/N) got up early and dressed as he had a piano lesson with Amity today. As he was eating breakfast Luz walked in, as she just woke up a few minutes ago. She rubbed her left eye, "Where are you going today (Y/N)?" The Nature Walker was eating toast, "Have piano lesson with Amity." Luz opened the fridge, but quickly closed it as she looked at (Y/N), "Wait, you have a lesson with Amity?" (Y/N) nodded for Luz to grab a box of cereal, "Look at you taking a page from Azura." "She was nice at market. Want to see if it was real her." "Well tell me about your lesson when you get back." "Of course." (Y/N) put headed towards the door as he waved goodbye to Luz. She waved goodbye as well with a smile. (Y/N) closed the door, but then opened it to peek his head through, "And I did not take page from the Azura book." He then closed the door for Luz to giggle from what he said.

(Y/N) walked towards Amity's house, to see Amity walk out of the front door. She had her school uniform on as she smiled when she saw (Y/N). (Y/N) waved at her for the teenage girl to walk up to him, "Glad to see that you actually came for the lesson." (Y/N) pointed at the house, "Lesson in house?" "No, it will be at the school. We will have to have it in-between a few of my classes." (Y/N) pointed at himself, "But banned from school." Amity waved it off, "I can get you a pass for the day for study reasons." Amity started walking for (Y/N) to follow as they soon reached the school grounds. (Y/N) stayed close to Amity until they reached the principal's office.

Principal Bump was sitting at his desk to notice (Y/N), but before he said anything Amity spoke up, "Good morning Principal Bump. I would like a visitor pass please." Bump went to say something, but Amity continued, "(Y/N) wishes to learn from a few of the school's studies today." Bump put his elbows on his desk while clasping his hands together, "I'm sorry, but I cannot let a banned student stay in my school. I-" "According to the rules you can." Bump raised an eyebrow to grab a large book and flip threw it. He landed his finger on a page, to read a few lines, looked up at Amity, and then at (Y/N). He pulled out a visitor sticker and hand it to (Y/N) and asked for Amity and (Y/N)'s hands. The two held their hands out for the principal to hold them making a seal between the two, "You must stay within six feet from Amity while you are on school grounds, that way you cannot cause trouble. If you go to far the seal will activate letting me know and I will put you in detention. The seal will break when both of you leave school grounds." (Y/N) put the sticker on his chest to smile. Amity and (Y/N) left for Amity to check a clock nearby, "I have math class first, do you mind going?" (Y/N) shook his head for Amity to begin walking, "Great." 

As they were walking someone wearing a black outfit, grey boots, grey gloves, a blue hood that went down their stomach and lower back, with an upside down skull mask over their face, and was carrying a cane. The scary person quickly walked up to (Y/N) as they bent down making their faces only a few inches away. The figure then stood up strait to walk away for (Y/N) to be a little scared, "What was that?" Amity watched the scary man walk away, "They're from the Emperor's Coven. They've been here since you, Willow, and Luz made a mess of the school." (Y/N) looked at her with an eyebrow raised for Amity to cross her arms, "When you, Willow, Luz, and I made a mess of the school." The two walked through the halls to walk into a classroom, as Eda walked into the principal's office.

Amity sat at her desk for her to gesture to the seat next to her. The desks in the classroom were in pairs of two, letting the pair stay close during classes. (Y/N) sat down for someone behind him to ask if he could hunch over, so that they could see the front of the classroom. In response (Y/N) turned into an animal as he stayed seated in the chair. A teacher came in to begin teaching some kind of math. Amity noticed (Y/N)'s tail wag a little as he seemed to be paying close attention to the lesson. 

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