The Library At Night

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No One's POV

Luz, (Y/N), Emira, and Edric were walking through the library for Edric to look at Luz, "So you're the human we've heard so much about." Emira put her arm around her brother to gesture to herself, "I'm Emira." She then gestured to her brother, "And this is Edric. We're Amity's older siblings." She then pointed at the younger teenagers, "We heard how you two embarrassed her at the school and at the witch coven last week." Edric patted (Y/N)'s head, "We're so proud of you." Emira continued, "No wonder she hates you two." Luz hung her head, "I know. But we didn't mean any of it. I thought we were as cool as cucumbers, but we're as sour as pickles." "Don't worry your time with mittens. Me and Ed, we're way more fun. Aren't we (Y/N)?" (Y/N) nodded, "Yes." "See." She then put her hand on Luz's shoulder, " Follow us."

The four headed to one of the book aisles for Edric to get (Y/N)'s shoulders to wipe off some chalk on a board for it to go from "FICTION NON-FICTION" to "FICTION FICTION". One of the librarians were showing a few people around the library, "And here we go towards our non-fiction section." He then gasped as he looked up at the sign, "Fiction? Fiction? Is our world but fiction?" He then went on his knees, "Then what in my life is real anymore?" He started sobbing on the floor.

A few minutes later the group then found another librarian who was putting some books on the shelves. He was reading a book as he put one book on the shelf behind him, just for Emira to use magic to make it go back onto the cart in front of the librarian. This kept going on for Edric to use his magic to make the librarian reading swap with another librarian who was up on a ladder, who was questioning his sanity from the last prank earlier. The librarian who was now on the ladder fell for the librarian on the floor to look around, "Huh? No. Not again!" He started sobbing on the floor again.

The four went over to the Demon Decimal System to blow a bunch of dust into all of the cubbies faces. Making all of them sneeze and send a bunch of mail flying making a big mess. (Y/N) and Luz danced in the rain of mail as the twins high fived each other. They then heard Amity clear her throat making them look at her as one of the librarians that they tricked earlier was standing right next to her. The librarian looked around, "Wait, where's Gary?" Gary ran up to him, "Coming." He then saw the group of four pranksters, "No!" He then sobbed on his knees again. The group were then kicked out of the library for the librarian to say, "You've made reading far too fun. Now stay out!"

He then closed the door for the four to begin laughing. Luz held her stomach from laughter, "Amity's even madder at us now. I didn't think that was possible." Edric shook his head, "No. When Mittens gets mad, she looks like this." He held his breathe for his face to become red. He then let out his breathe, "Woah, I almost passed out." Emira crossed her arms, "You're pretty fun, human." The twins looked at each other to nod, so Emira leaned towards the two younger teenagers, "So, hey, we're coming back tonight. There's a certain book we forgot to check out." She smiled to put the back of her hand under her chin for Edric to stand next to her while leaning at the same angle, "And bonus, rumor has it the Wailing Star is supposed to unlock some rare magical event. You in friends?" 

(Y/N) nodded for Luz to smile, "Sure." Edric went to walk away, "Great. Meet back here at midnight." Emira followed, "See you (Y/N), Luz." Luz waved, "Bye." She then looked at (Y/N), "First we befriend the siblings, then we befriend the Amity." (Y/N) pointed at himself, "But already friends with them." "Great, then you can help me be friends with them. Then we befriend Amity." She became giddy to run down the library steps for (Y/N) to follow. Amity heard everything that they said as she was hiding behind pillar. She became mad for her to hold her breathe making her face become red. She then let her breathe go to hold her chest, "Whoo. Almost passed out."

Luz and (Y/N) returned home for Luz to burst through the door, "We just had the best day. Cool teens like us." She then put her hands on her hips, "Call us library books, 'cause they were checking us out." (Y/N) looked at Eda who was on the couch coddling what looked like a bat-human baby that was asleep. He pointed at her, "You look motherly." Eda looked at him, "Say that again and I'll sell your fur coat." Luz walked up to her, "Aw, how can you say that around this cute little baby?" She then lightly tapped the baby for it to wake up and spit out a smaller version of itself, for that one to do the exact same. Luz let out a terrified gasp as the three babies flew into the air and breathed fire. (Y/N) quickly ran out for Luz to follow after grabbing her bag, "Parenting sure looks rewarding! Enjoy your life lessons! Bye!"

The Owl House x Male Reader (Luz and Amity)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ