Shooting Range - Chapter Thirteen

Start from the beginning

Once again, she did exactly as I said.

"Alright, relax your shoulders but keep your feet planted. There isn't much of a kickback on this one but you'll still feel it."

The tension in her body slowly faded away as she got used to the feeling of it in her hand. I brought one of my hands up to turn off the safety and then placed it back on her hip.

"Okay when you're ready, aim, put your finger on the trigger, and shoot."

With my words I stepped back from her. Giving her the space she needed to focus for her first shot. She took a deep breath and as she was exhaling, she shot.

The loud pop echoed through the room. The kickback pushed her slightly but not as much as I thought it would. Her stance was strong, just like when she was fighting.

I leaned into the box to press one of the buttons on the wall. The paper target moved towards us and I could see how eager Davina was to see if she had hit it or not.

When it had got close enough, a bullet hole was clear. Straight through the paper, but not on the target. Instead the bullet hole was up near the head but off to the left a few inches. A groan came from Davina when she realized she missed.

With the gun back down on the counter she turned to me. An annoyed look on her face as if I was the one to blame for her missing the target.

I rolled my eyes at her and pushed the other button so the target would move back into place.

"Do it again until you hit it, and I mean actually hit it. Head or heart only. That's where you should be aiming."

As she picked the gun back up and I grabbed another gun from one of the cases on the wall. I went into the box next to hers and aimed it at the target.

I quickly shot twice. One aiming for the heart and the other for the head. Bring in the target, I hit both spot on.

A scoff came from next to me. Turning towards Davina, she was already looking at me. "What?" I questioned her.

"I do recall you saying we're not here for you, Showoff." Her arms were folded across her chest as she stared at me through the glass that separated us.

"Well I feel like we're gonna be here a while Angel, might as well get some practice in since I'm here."

She rolled her eyes and picked the gun back up.

I did the same. 


Eventually I had gotten bored with doing the same thing over and over again.

Load the clip. Empty the clip. Reload the clip. It's just a constant repeat.

I could only shoot the same target so many times.

Davina had hit both the head and the heart of the target, but she wanted to keep practicing so she was comfortable with it all.

Once she figured out exactly where she need to aim, she was golden. But I knew that if it ever came to down it, she wouldn't be able to take so much time to aim. There are so many things that could draw her attention away from her target and make her miss. That could cost her her life.

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