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Cara p .o.v

I woke up early and began to put on my leather. I thought about putting on my old bracelet I hadn't worn it in years i clasped it on my wrist

 I thought about putting on my old bracelet I hadn't worn it in years i clasped it on my wrist

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I walked into the throne room so when are they arriving. They'll be here soon we sent a fake message to every more sith temple to come and try to kill me by journey book they'll be fighting over me to please lord Rahl you ready Cara . ready . I walked outside to find at least a thousand more sith outside . Cara Mason the traitor a more sith said . I recognized her as mistress Marida . It's been a long time the rules are simple you win you get kill us all I win you swear allegiance to me . She nodded grabbing her ajeal . I grabbed both of mine they slammed against each other . I kicked my leg against both of hers she fell on to her knees . I took my ajeal and struck her jaw she fell to the ground. All the more sith bowed on there knees and started calling my name Cara . I smirked. Report back to your temple's you Receive and Order by journey book you follow it . They all got back on there horses . Well that was satisfying . It suits you Cara . Thank you Richard. Alright well I found darken rahle and apparently sister nicci is with him . To birds one stone I said smiling let's go I hoped on my horse and rode off . We arrived at the temple. Well for the looks of this place these more sith didn't by the whole lord rahl wants you to kill me . Let's storm the place. We walked in to find a young woman blasting bolts of energy left and right along with a little boy doing the same I got look at the girl she looked like the one from my dream I suddenly felt a flash I fell to my knees. Cara Richard said grabbing me uh . You can blame that on zed she said before coming over and kissing me . I closed my eyes to see everything.

Richard p.o.v

What the hell did you do to her I shouted. I helped her . I ran for darken rahle hello brother I said I struck his sword with mine to distract him well zed did the wizards web soon he was frozen. I moved on to the more sith katlyn began to confess some of them . I could see a little boy fighting them off sister nicci with magic . Ah he screamed as she ran off . I rushed up to him are you okay. I'll be fine he said taking his hand and healing him self. What the hell . Katlyn went for the one that nocked out Cara . Don't let them hurt my mom the boy begged. That's your mom . He nodded. Katlyn don't kill her . Katlyn hit her over the head with her dagger she fell to the ground. I picked up the little boy in my arms . We grabbed the more sith darken rahl and Katlyn and rode back to the palace.

Cara p.o.v

Huh I woke in my bed . What happened. Well a more sith named Dahlia nocked you out and we brought you back here . I remember. Remember what . Her I remember dahlia she's the girl from my dreams . Cara what are you talking about she said touching my hand before closing her eyes. Oh my god I remember to I killed her . Zed he lied to us I ran into zed's room . How could you you lied to me I told you about my dreams about her and you flat out lied to me . Cara I had to she destroyed you . That wasn't your decision to make I had known her senes I was 4 we grow up together and you erased practically all of that without even asking me I yelled angrily. Cara . No I don't wanna see you and I don't wanna talk to you ever again I said walking out I walked back into my room. Cara what's wrong. Get out I shouted . No . I said get out . No she said rapping her arms around me . I struggle trying to get away for a while before finally stopping and letting my tears fall he lied to me . Shh shh I know I know .

Katlyn p.o.v
I set cara down after she fell asleep I walked into Richards and my room. Hay how is she . Not good listen we have a problem that more sith dahlia we all new her in another life . Wait what . Zed kept it from us when I touched cara I remembered maybe if you touch me you'll remember. He smirked if you wanted an excuse to touch me you could have just said so . I laughed and touched his hand . He closed his eyes . Wow I remember I can't believe zed lied to me . The only question is who is that little boy . I'll find out cara said walking in were is she. Down in the cells. Let's see how she likes being tortured.

Cara p.o.v
I walked down to the cells to see her sitting on the ground . I was wondering how long it would take for you to come down here I'm sure you have questions . Just a few like how much your going to scream . You don't have to torture me cara I'll answer what ever questions you have as long as you tell me he's safe . You mean your son he's fine he's upstairs with katlyn. good he'll get a chance to meet his ant . Excuse me . He's not my son he's yours . You lied to me . I lied about everything else but him he's yours and rahles so Richard is his uncle and that makes Katlyn his ant . His name is Deon he only calls me mom because I raised him . Rahle said he was killed. He was I brought him back with the breath of life and then I took him in the space between time he know's who you are by the way . You're lying. No I'm not if you don't believe me go ask him . How are you even here . That's a very complicated question with a very long answer . I thought you said you would answer my questions. I didn't say I wouldn't I just meant I wouldn't answer it in here you want your answer your gonna have to let me out . Not gonna happen. Well then I guess you're gonna get to show me what it was like for you . No I'm not gonna hurt you I said walking away .

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