the defeating of my father .

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Dahlia p.o.v
I woke up to care sleeping next to me. I got up and began to pack my things. I was planning on sneaking down to the underworld and defeating my father. I couldn't put Cara in danger so I decided to do this on my own. Of course, she'd be furious but she'd be safe. I left a letter beside her and my son's besides. In case I didn't make it which was highly unlikely but still. I can do this. I defend down into the underworld senes I was his daughter I could come and go as I pleaded from it.

Cara p.o.v
I woke up in an empty bed. Weird maybe dahlia had got out for a morning ride or was with soon. I walked to dions room to find him buttoning up his shirt. Sorry. It's fine I'm done, mom. I was shocked is something wrong. Um, that's the first time you be called me mom. Why wouldn't I? I hugged him I love you I know I've never said that but I do. I love you too. Have you seen Dahlia? No weird she's usual waking me up. I giggled. Then I realized wait if she's not with you and I haven't seen her then where is she. I don't know. Dion can you track her down. Yeah. Good well, you work on that I'm gonna hold an emergency council meeting. He nodded. I busted into Richard and katylns room. Cara seriously. Dahlias missing. You sure. Yep soon hasn't even seen her. Alright, go find zed just don't kill each other. I'll do my best. I went off and found zed in the library. This is a surprise. Looks like dahlias missing so you can either help or stay out of the way. I think I'll do the latter I can track her got anything of hers. Would the letter she left behind work. There is a reason you haven't opened it yet. Zed. Alright, relax let's get to my workshop room. We all met there. Is he casting a spell to find mommy? Yes, he is dion it's gonna be okay. Oh, no this is bad. What well the spell shows crims peak which is the entrance to. The underworld I said finishing for him. Zed portal me there I'm going. What cara no you could die. That's a risk I'm willing to take . But. I love her I'm going. I'm going to. No your not your staying here Dion. But. No, I'm not losing you okay I love you. I love you too. I'll watch him Katlyn offered. Thank you. If you're going your going alone were going with you. Gear up I guess. Ant idea why she'd go there. My guess is she's trying to kill her father. If she does that happens to the underworld technically speaking all the souls would simply go to where her mother lies and help as we know it would no longer exist. That's if he doesn't kill her first let's go. Zed open the portal. Okay, we got three hours before we get stuck here. Well then let's move fast. Suddenly the earth around us began to shake. What the nevermind. Looks like the battle has started let's go. We followed the sound of falling things and crashing noises till we came upon an open cave where fire was all over the walls. Wow, watch out.

Dahila p.o.v

Cara what the hell are you doing here. saving your life. Ahh, I see your little plaything needs a lesson too lovely. Shut up I said throwing another fireball of course I missed. He laughed you be gone soften. Nobody insults my girlfriend Cara said striking him both of the aggeals at the same time he scream in pain. Zed stuck him lighting well right stabbed him with the sword of truth. He quickly recovered and flung them all against the wall. Nice try doll but you'll have to do better than that. I'll help you just don't hurt her. What well you must really care for her if your willing to side with me doll but how do I know I can trust you. I promise.

Dion PO.v.
I couldn't just sit on the sidelines I had to help my mom's so ant Kate I whispered. Got what she muttered. I quickly portaled into the underworld to find them no my mom's on the ground nobody hurts my family I yelled before striking him with all the magic I had. One of my moms got up and used her magic to help me so did zed. Richard struck him with the sword of truth well my other mom used her aggeals he blow up into fire sparks. We all took a breath.

Cara p.o.v
Dion what are you doing here. I can't lose you to either. I just hugged him. I guess he got the I never listen to gene from you. I giggled. Zed brought us home well it's nice to be back in the land of the living. Cara, I Dahl is started. You have a lot of explaining to do. A hay Dion why don't we go check on you and I'm sure she's worried about you. Why did you run off? I was afraid you would get hurt. You could have died. I had a feeling I would die that's why I wrote good letters. That's even worse we said no more lies. I didn't lie. You didn't listen either I can't trust you if you keep doing this. Cara, I lay so many times I'm just trying to protect you she yelled. I called down I understand that but y9u don't need to protect me I can't take care of myself and we're in them together. I know I guess I need to learn that I'm not alone anymore can you forgive me. Promise not to do this again. Promise. I kissed her I forgive you. We smiled at each other.

Cara's happy endingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें