2x10-What Have I Done To Deserve This?

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She'd been paged by Derek to join him for a case, though when she arrived, she found no one but him in front of the patient's door.

Looking around curiously, she glanced at the attending politely before asking, "Is everybody else late, Dr Shepherd?"

The man groaned jokingly, before smiling at her, "Are you still mad, Charlie? You know I was just angry that Mark was here, not at you."

The girl nodded, maintaining her polite, yet distant expression, "Of course, Dr Shepherd. But you are my attending, if you felt by behaviour was in any way untoward, than it was completely correct of you to point it out, and I shall endeavour not to make the same mistake twice."

"Your behaviour was completely correct." He stated, growing serious, meeting her eyes, "You complied with the patient's request, gave him the honest opinion he'd asked for. You were right, yesterday, it's not your job to advocate for my decisions, simply because they're mine, and to ask that of you would be to undermine your intelligence and skill, which is basically criminal at this point. I took my anger out on you, and yes, though I am your attending, I also happen to think of you as a younger sister, which made my accusations untrue and hurtful. So don't change your behaviour, your care and love for your. Patients, I was an ass yesterday and I took it out on you, and for that, I am very sorry."

He finished, inhaling sharply, before glancing her, eyes widened into an expression which she assumed was mean to evoke her. Own puppy-eyes, "Please tell me we're good, and I won't have to deal with the polite, high society-version of you. I need my neuro prodigy back." 

Narrowing her eyes at him,  she kept quiet, watching him sweat slightly, before chuckling and nodding her head,  "Done. But you ever raise your voice at me again Derek, and I swear to the good lord, you'll be forced deal with every bit of cold British politeness ingrained in me for a whole month." Patting him on the shoulder, she adding mockingly, "Also, stop looking at me like that, you look like you're stroking and its mildly terrifying."

Than man laughed, shaking his head, and patting her on the shoulder, before gesturing towards the room, "You know the case?"

"Yep. Shawn Begleiter. 11 years old. In for intractable vomiting after a minor head injury. I read over the file when I got in this morning."

"How did you know I'd call you in? Maybe I was still angry." He mumbled in confusion, raising his brow at her.

The girl glanced at him incredulously, replying, "Much like you think of me as a younger sister, I think of you as the annoying older brother I never had, which means I know you, and knew the guilt would be eating you up inside, it was just a matter of waiting for your ego to step aside." Shrugging, she gave him an impish grin, continuing, "Also, we both know I'm the most promising prospect for neurosurgery, and your eternal favourite. It would have been nearly negligently criminal not to call me in on your case."

The two waited for the rest to arrive, and entering the room as they did, they found the boy surrounded by his two adorably worried dads.

"Do you need to throw up again?" Asked one of the men worriedly.

The boy rolled his eyes with a smile, shaking his head, "No."

Undeterred, the man continued, "Cause there's no shame in needing to throw up."

Shawn giggled sweetly, "Dad I don't need to throw up."

Derek glanced at her, nodding for her to present the case, which she did with a smile, "Shawn Begleiter, 11 years old. Shawn here was admitted for intractable vomiting, after a minor head injury involving a baseball."

Redamancy • Mark SloanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora