Hardin Chapter 14

Start from the beginning


"You can't get inside the airport without a plane ticket."

"Look man I'm just looking for a little girl."

Fuck that sounds bad.

"She's my...............little sister............kinda.............not really.........whatever, she's alone and I'm here to pick her up."

"I'm sorry but I can't let you in."

"Look here you worthless piece of shi......"


I turn and see Sam running towards me with her suitcase, she latches herself on my leg.

"Ok.......ok.......Get off Sam."

I shake her off.

"Thank you so much for coming." She says.

I scold the security guard before I grab Sam's suitcase.

"Come on, let's go."

She nods her head before she wipes her tears, she holds my pinky while we walk to my car.

I put her suitcase in the trunk and she gets in the back seat, I get inside and start the car.

"Sam what the hell are you doing at the airport alone? Aren't you supposed to be staying with you grandparents in Phoenix?"

She sighs.

"I was supposed to be there hours ago, Kelly and my dad left for their honeymoon yesterday. I was supposed to fly to my grandparents house today but because of the blizzard they canceled the flight. I didn't know what to do, my dad isn't answering and neither is Kelly."

"How did you even get my number?" I ask.

"Tessa gave me yours and hers, she said that I could call you guys if I ever needed anything. I called her first but she didn't answer."

I sigh before I rest my head on the steering wheel.

What he fuck am I supposed to do? Tessa is better at handling this kind of thing, god I wish she was here. She would know what to do, she always knows to do.

I take a breath before I start driving back to the apartment, I'll figure something out.

I hope.


When we get to the apartment the snow is really coming down, I hope Tessa is ok. God she's so fucking stubborn, I just hate when she leaves. I just wanna know where she is, if she's safe. If she's ok, god.

I help Sam inside.

"Fuck it's cold." She says.

"Bro, you need to stop cursing. People are gonna start blaming me."

"You mean Tessa? Where is she anyway? I saw you guys kiss yesterday, did you guys make up?"

I sigh.


"But I saw you guys kiss, you guys were dancing................that should have worked."

"Yeah well life isn't like the fairytales Sam, true loves kiss doesn't always work."

She stays quiet.

"Come on." I say.

I lead her into the guest room, as usual Tessa changed the sheets and made the bed. When did she have time to do that?

"We'll figure this out tomorrow, you can spend the night in here. The bathroom is over there."

"Ok, thanks for letting me stay Hardin."

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