New day in dahar

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Richard p.o.v

It had been to days senes the Val had been repaired we were on our way to the people's palace. Hurry up you to love birds you can't get married intill we get to the palace zed said making Cara laughed  if you think this is bad they won't stop being all lovey dovey once there honey moon starts . Alright you to were coming Katlyn said hurrying along her horse. We arrived at the people's palace. Alright so how do we fix all this . Well we could start with the more sith there still loyal to my brother. I can get them to swear algence to me Cara explained. Okay then all that reminds is sister nicci and my brother. Well I can cast a spell to find them but the problem is what do we once we find them . Well we can't kill him he'll just join the keeper again. What if we put him in a wizards web forever I mean if you don't reverse it then won't he just stay that way . Cara you are a genius. Alright that settles it  tomorrow we find darken Rahle and we put him to sleep. Today though we have a wedding to get . Katlyn  smiled .

Cara p.o.v

I walked into katlyn's room to find her sister putting flowers in her hair. Please tell me I'm interrupting I said happily. Danyel glared at me . Can you to try to get along . She killed me Katlyn. And then I saved your life your welcome by the way  . I'm gonna get more blossoms. Finally. Cara . Sorry I just prefer fear and respect. Yeah well it's a new day in dahar Cara . Yeah a new day  By the way please tell Richard and zed to stop trying to make me put on a dress I wouldn't do that if my life depended on it I hate dresses what's wrong with my leather. It's not exactly proper for the wedding. Like I care what's proper. And this is why I hate more sith danyel said coming back in . I'll be in my room practicing my speech for the more sith arrival  I said walking out into my new room I decided to take a nap before the wedding 

Cara dreaming of dahlia 

I woke up to someone shaking me . Zed are you trying to make me angry. Relax I was just trying to wake you up your gonna miss the wedding. How long have I been asleep. 5 hours give of take . Uh I had the same stupid dream again. What dream . I've having it ever senes we found stone of tears . Well you can tell me later now come on . I'm coming I said getting up and walking into the throne room and standing by zed . 

Katlyn p.o. V

I walked down the asile hand in hand with my sister. I met Richard at the end . We are gathered here today to untie the seeker and the mother confesser in the eyes of the creator do you Katlyn abnell take Richard cypher to be your husband . I do . I placed the ring on his finger with this ring i the wed  .Do you Richard cypher take Katlyn abnell to be your wife . I do . He put the ring on my finger with this ring i the wed .  In the eyes of the creator you are now joined as husband and wife. He kissed me . I kissed him back 

 I kissed him back 

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Cara p.o.v

I took a large drink of anbroga . Senes when do you drink. Senes I have problems I don't know what to do I only really joined up with Richard to complete the mission I really don't have a place here . Cara that's not true you're about rule the more sith and your well respected among the people's palace and you can give Richard advice I mean you came up with the wizards web idea . Yeah that was a good idea I just kind of miss the old days. Oh you mean torturing and the screaming. No well a little but I mostly miss I don't know I just feel like something is off . Cara it was just a dream. I don't know zed it seemed so real . Well I'm sure it was nothing he said walking off. Katlyn walked over to me . Hay . Hay everything alright. Not really I keep having this strange dream about this brown haired woman named dahlia and I'm kissing her . She laughed Cara are you having. No I am not well sometimes I just wish I knew what it meant . There is something I heard about in my days of idindril . What . They say if you  have a dream of the same person multiple times it means he or she is your soul mate. That sounds like hag wash . She laughed only you would say something like that . I walked back into my room I tried to sleep but I had the same dream . 

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