34. Dropping Like Flies

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Satine was his queen and just like a game of chess, he would not survive without her, and she was risking everything for him.

"So," sang Satine, "how you feeling today then?" She didn't stop measuring her ingredients for long enough to notice him prowling up behind her. "I was thinking we could go for a walk later. It's a lovely evening."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around her little waist, closing his eyes to focus on her smoky scent easing his solace.

"Oh," she gasped as his stubbled chin pricked her, "are you okay?" His sudden attention was surprising, so much so that she didn't know how to act. She hadn't felt the warmth of his simple touch in forever.

"I'm fine right here; you can carry on with whatever you're doing." He pressed his lips against the birthmark on her back, peeking over at what she was making. "Why did you buy so much flour?"

"I'm making jumbo muffins."

Taehyung's rested his chin on her shoulder. "What, enough to last an apocalypse?"

Satine's mind was completely fried - not even three hours ago she was riding Jimin's tongue and now she was in the arms of her crow. The only thing that gave her a sense of normalcy was baking.

She should have felt guilty, but she was on top of the world. She was her once bubbly self again and it was all thanks to Jimin.

"I'm making them for Hobi, he loves my baked goods. Remember when he took all my cookies home that time, even the batch I made for you and JK?"

"Haha... yeah..." Taehyung trailed off. His friend had taken them all to throw in the dumpster on the way home. "You know they need at least forty-five minutes, right? Don't take them out just because you're getting impatient otherwise they'll be soggy in the middle."

She just rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. "I'm a star chef, sweets."

He sat on the breakfast stall just happily watching her bounce about, making more mess than was necessary in his kitchen. He didn't mind though, it was her kitchen now.

"Are you hungry or something? You're looking at me like I'm something to eat..."

"You are." Taehyung pressed his lips together to hold back his smirk. "In fact, you're my favourite snack."

"Is that so?" Satine buried the image of his head between Diana's legs. She wasn't even sure if they were still seeing each other. She supposed she had only caught them once.

Taehyung took a deep breath as Satine purposely bent over to push the muffins into the oven. The satin underwear set she was wearing was his absolute favourite and now she was taunting him with the outline of her slit.

"Don't make me come over there."

Completely ignoring him, Satine checked the clock. "Forty-five minutes... Whatever will I do with my free time? I could catch up on some work, watch some TV, Jimin wanted to call to discuss the details of our upcoming project..."

Taehyung's jaw clenched at her boss' name and how it rolled off her tongue with such fondness.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I need to do some laundry."

Before he could even process what had happened, she was swinging her thong and bralette around on her finger.

"Get your ass over here." He gave her a look she knew all too well.

Satine was grateful he was in a better mood. He wasn't the type of person you could bear to be around when he had drifted off into his land of despair. Hoseok was completely AWOL, Diana avoided him at all costs, and Satine stayed way longer than necessary at the office, drowning in her boss' company in desperate need for affection.

Satine | KTHOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant