Chapter 24 | The Final General

Start from the beginning

Her words were meant in jest, but there was a truthfulness to them that stung Iris's heart, even as she spoke to them herself.

Because in all honesty, there was nothing she could do. She had nothing. She was nothing. Her family may have been powerful once, but not any-more.
Now it was just Iris.
Just her alone.
Even if she had wanted to usurp the King and retake the throne, who would help her? She was not powerful, she barely knew how to use her command, and she knew nothing of being a Monarch.

But now it was suddenly clear to Iris that even if she had no such intentions towards the throne, there were still going to be those who would suspect her regardless. She had assumed that she was fitting in here, slowly but surely. Had she been mistaken in feeling that way? Had she merely been an outsider this whole time?

Suddenly, it made sense to Iris why Darius had chosen to keep her presence a secret from the general population. He was not worried she would rise up against him. He was concerned they would turn against her.

They, being the mass of lycans that crowded below, crying out in adulation of their King.

They, being the ones who had been pulled by their Alpha out of the ashes, while he had simultaneously been shouldering the worlds hate and shielding them from the brunt of it, with his own bare back.

Iris was unsure what expression she was making, but Arlo's arms tightened around her and before she realised, Balthazar had dipped his head slightly, his lips pinched thin, his eyes tight. "I must apologise, Princess. This teacher has overstepped his boundaries."

"It's fine," Iris repeated, unable to find new words to refute him properly. Suddenly she felt a bit too hot. "Can we just watch now? Whatever the General Vandor's feelings are towards my existence, I will cross that bridge when I come to it." Her voice was hoarse and she coughed lightly to clear it.

"As you wish, Beauty." Arlo murmured from above her head, his arms still tight around her as he pressed a kiss into her hair. Tactfully, he changed the subject, and his smooth, flowing words made it easier for Iris to gather herself and gain the sense of anticipation she had had before the conversation had turned south.

"The lycans behind Vandor will be those who are taking the pledge today." Arlo told her.

"Is there a reason why it's done in public?" Iris wondered.

This time, it was Balthazar who answered her question, speaking after a moment of hesitation. "Yes. It is because it is the right of the existing pack members, to see who it is they will be welcoming into the pack. While Darius can accept whoever he wants, as is an Alpha's right, the pack still needs to accept them also. Otherwise, new lycans can hardly integrate themselves easily. And when it comes down to it Iris, for all our division we are still pack creatures. We function best as a unified unit." Her tutors' words had regained the light-hearted manner that Iris was used to, and tentatively she met his gaze.

Balthazar offered her a rare smile. There was a trace of emotion in his eyes that lingered, however- something that looked far too close to pity for Iris's liking. Iris felt her hackles raise defensively and she moved out from Arlo's embrace, determined to stand out from under her guardian's protection. Arlo however, frowned at the action and tugged her resolutely back into his side.

"Where are you going," he grumbled crossly. "Stay where I can see you."

She looked at him in disbelief, all other thoughts forgotten momentarily. "I'm literally standing right here." She emphasised as Balthazar laughed in the background.

"Well maybe I'm cold," Arlo grumbled petulantly as he leaned on her heavily.

"You don't get cold," Iris pointed out from underneath Arlo's weight. She shoved at him, but his only reply was to lean on her more.

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