My Date.!!

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I pulled into Becky's driveway almost exactly an hour after she'd called me.

Becky lived in the same part of town as Jenna and Chloe: nice, but not in the same class as Alison; none of us lived there. It still was on the other side of town from me though, so I'd had to rush to get ready. I'd showered, changed, and put on just a tiny bit of cologne. I'd heard the girls complain about the guys who splashed it on heavy. I listened a lot when they thought I wasn't.

Becky met me halfway up her porch and kissed me on the cheek. "Hey, Jake."

"Heya, Uhm, ready?" Okay, lame question, because she was standing out on the porch waiting for me, but I was still gathering my wits. She was dressed to party at least. She had a tight, sapphire blue strapless dress on; it came far enough down that it covered everything fully, but not so far down that it threatened to get near her knees. As tall as she was, it showed off her long legs very, very well. I gulped. Okay, she was damn hot. I often forgot just how hot when Chloe was around.

"Yeah, let's party, Birthday Boy!" she grinned at me and went around to get in the passenger side of the car. I'd meant to beat her there and open it, but that didn't seem to be working out.

"Uhm, shouldn't you tell your parents you're leaving?" I asked, going to the driver's side.

"Nah, they know I'm going with you. Everything's cool," she said offhandedly.

Ah. I see. This was still going to be a friend-zone date after all.

I sighed and pushed disappointment out of my head.

I was going to have a good time. I was not going to ruin Becky's evening at least. I remembered how I'd felt driving my prom date home early. I wasn't going to do that to her. Just another evening out with my friend. I could do that.

I settled back in the driver's seat and she leaned over and planted a kiss right on my lips.

I was, needless to say, a little shocked. I might have even flailed my arms a little.

And she kept kissing me, moving her lips against mine softly. They were warm and slightly tacky; her lip gloss I guess. They tasted faintly of cherries. Somewhere in the middle of what had to be the longest thirty-second kiss in history, I started to relax and kiss back. I moved my lips in a matching motion to hers and leaned into it a little. Okay. Okay, this was a real fucking kiss. I liked this. I liked this. I could smell her perfume, light and flowery. Her breath was minty.

She pulled back, and her lip gloss was only slightly smeared; I'd been imagining much worse.

I was breathless and very relieved to see she was smiling brightly.

"What..." I gasped, okay, still breathless. I wiped my lips; they were wet. "What was that for?"

She shrugged which, by the way, was awesome in a strapless dress.

"This is a date. I figured we should establish that right from the start, otherwise, it wouldn't be different from any other time we hung out."

I couldn't help it, I laughed.

She looked confused.

"Sorry, Sorry, Becky, but after that kiss - there's no way I could think of you as a friend tonight."

She smiled again then hesitated, "But we can go back to being friends after, right? I don't want it to be weird."

I smiled, actually; truth be told, I was more grateful for that question than the amazing kiss she'd just given me. I didn't want things to be weird either.

"For sure," I said with the first smile I'd meant all week.

"Good," she leaned back in and we kissed again. This time, when I didn't start the kiss flailing in shock, it was pretty damn great. Her lips absolutely tasted like cherries.

She broke away with a big grin, and I'm pretty sure my face was about to break; I was grinning so hard.

I pulled out of her driveway and headed out to what was shaping up to be the best birthday party of my life.

By the time we arrived, the party was in full swing.

Heavy club music pounded out, even out by the driveway. We pulled in behind at least two dozen cars, maybe more. As we got out, Becky started grinding her hips to the music and put her arms in the air, and gave a little cheer. I laughed. She danced her way to the front of the car where we met, and she put an arm around my shoulders. I slipped my arm around her tiny waist and felt her moving against me. Holy hell that was sexy.

We made our way inside, and I was hit by the wall of bodies and music. There had to be at least fifty people in here. Becky pulled her arm from around me and we held our arms up to make our way across the living room which had become the main dance floor. I followed Becky (my date, haha!) until we got to the other side where there were a bunch of couches set up against the wall. There we found Jenna and her date, a guy I sort of knew from previous parties. Alan, I think his name was. We shook hands. Jenna got up and hugged me; she shouted something that was probably, "Happy Birthday!" into my ear, but I'm not sure. She also had what looked like a pink martini in her hand.

Now don't get me wrong. All of us had drunk alcohol before. As I said, we'd been going to parties together for two years. We'd even all got wasted together one night which is the closest I'd ever gotten to making out with any of them. But Jenna liked booze while I was kind of indifferent. So I was a little concerned, but it was nowhere near my place to say anything. Besides, she looked perfectly fine.

I smiled and shouted back a "thanks". I looked around for the others. Alison was on the dance floor with a guy I didn't recognize, but she danced happily away with him; I smiled and waved. She waved back. Another scan through the crowd though and I was pretty sure Chloe was nowhere down here.

All in all, I recognized maybe seventy-five percent of the people at the party which was pretty good I guess. I never knew where all these people from parties came from, maybe other schools I guess. There had to be at least sixty people here just in this room, and I could see people moving up and down the stairs. I knew the girls had wanted another dance floor up there, plus the pool table was up there too. I wouldn't have been surprised if over a hundred people were here all told. Jesus. This was the biggest party I'd ever been to.

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