feelings and confusion

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Amelia's pov ;

It was the next day. I woke up again, earlier than i did yesterday thankfully. Yesterday was actually pretty good. I got to talk to Arizona a bunch. Of course that was my favorite part of the day. I still don't know what this means. Or do i but i dont want to admit it. Anyway i arrived at work. I did rounds with the interns. "Hey Amelia!" Maggie walked up to me. "Hey! You seem a bit more perky and happy than you usually do?" I said. "Yep. The sex with Jackson is mindblowing." She said. "Damn, atleast somebody's getting railed." I said. "So.." She said. "So?? What?" I said. "You and anyone? Or anyone inparticular you eyeing?" She said. The only person i was eyeing was Arizona. But it was confusing and Maggie thinks im straight or whatever. "No. Why?" I said. "Just asking... ooo what about link?" She said. "Atticus Lincoln? No... he's like new. And his haircut is weird to me." I said. "Okayyy well-" Her pager went off. Thank god. "Crap im getting paged. THIS IS NOT OVER!!!" She yelled. "Yes it is." I mumbled. "Hey brunette!" Arizona walked up. My god that voice and smile of her's never get's old.
"Hey blondie!" I smiled. "Whatcha doing?" She asked. "Nothing just finishing rounds. Maggies already asking me about love intrests. Apparently the sex with Jackson is "mindblowing", I wish i was getting some." I said. I'm so stupid why would i say that? "Love intrests huh? Like who?" She asked. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. "Um it's no one. I- i mean i'd rather not." I said. "Okay, you seem a bit nervous." She smirked. Im literally dead at this point. She's just. God. I faked a page and told her i had to go.

Arizona's pov ;

Who could Amelia's love interest be? I mean obviously it's not me. I think. Or any girl. Is she even into girls? I haven't really done anything since Callie. But Amelia's different from everyone. She stands out. I think i love her. Wait no? I cant love her. It's- I- she's straight. I don't even have feelings. Right? I think. Yeah, no. Not Amelia she's just like a friend. A good friend. Nothing more. She never will be. I think. Yeah, okay.

in this chapter i tried to show arizona's weak spot that she has for amelia. let me know if you guys are liking this so far!! i'll post more tomorrow bye<3.

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