her touch

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Arizona's pov ;

But could it be possible? That i love Amelia. Not that she does back. But this feeling i have for her. It's insane i can't explain it. "Hey Zona!" Amelia walked up. Holy crap. I love when she calls me that. "Hey Amelia!" I turned around making eye contact. Those perfect brown eyes. I think i do love her. "Whatcha doing?" She said not breaking eye contact. "Nothing just- nothing at the moment." I said. "Well are you doing anything tonight? I was gonna see if you wanted to come over. Maybe we could watch some movies and make popcorn?" She asked. Oh my god. She wanted me to come over? Like to her house??? Oh my god. "Yeah sure, what time?" I asked. Shit i just agreed to that. "8 or 9 is good." She said nervous. Why was she nervous. Did i do something? "Okay, i'll be there." I said and walked away. This may sound cocky or whatever but i felt her eyes on me. Or i wanted her eyes on me. Whatever.

Amelia's pov ;

Early at work i invited Arizona over. I don't even know why. I'm just gonna be awkward the whole time. I hate stuffing my feelings inside. I mean she doesn't even like me. Or love me back or whatever. I don't even know why im stringing this along. I'm just gonna fall more and more inlove. I literally love everything about her. Everything. She's absolutely stunning, and her smile. God that damn smile. She's driving me insane and i don't even fall for girls. I'm probably gonna end up doing something stupid tonight like pooring my heart out or kissing her. I heard a ring at the door. Shit. I went to the door and opened it. My god she was perfect. Her entire structure. She was in some black jeans and a oversized t-shirt. "Staring much brunette?" She said. I rolled my eyes.

Jesus she drives me crazy. A good crazy.  "Hey Zona." I said. "Hey Amelia." She said. "Come in, sorry i tried to straighten up a bit in here it's not the best." I said embarrassed. "It's okay love." She said walking in and sitting down on the couch. Love. I went to sit on the couch and asked her what movie she wanted to watch. "What about Matilda?" She looked at me with those eyes anyone could get lost in.

"Someones got good taste." I said smiling at her. She smiled back. "Let's go get the popcorn before it start's." She said, i said okay and we walked to the kitchen. I got two bags of popcorn out the cabinet. "We can share Amelia." She said. That literally made my heart stop. The smallest thing like sharing popcorn with her. I'm definitely gonna do something stupid tonight. "Okay." I said smiling but not to much. We heated up the popcorn and headed back to the couch. I started the movie. "Hey Amelia? Can we cuddle. It's pretty cold in here." She asked. Oh my fucking- OH MY GOD. She- She wants to cuddle with me??? "Yeah sure." I said nervous as hell. She wrapped her arms around me. This feeling. It feels like home. Like home could be a person. I looked up at her. She looked down at me. We made eye contact. Holy crap she's. She's just perfect. "You're beautiful." Slipped out. Holy fuck what did i just say. "You're gorgeous Amelia." She said. She thought i was gorgeous. I got lost in her eyes. That look she gave me. That smile. I'm inlove with her.

Arizona's pov ;

Amelia was cuddled up to me. I felt so safe. My body against hers. She fell asleep watching Matilda and now it's on repeat but i dont want to get up and wake her. I slowly drifted off in her arms.

hey guys!! i hope you're liking this so far. the next chapter will be released in a little. be ready it's gonna be good. have a good day<3

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