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It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon. At Bennet household, it is mandatory that the family has tea all together in the drawing room. The whole family sat at the small table, all minding their own business.

Lady Bennet slammed her tea on the table after she just heard what Arthur said. "I beg your pardon?! You took your sister where?!" She yelled at her eldest son.

Elena rolled her eyes at her mother's behaviour as she took a bite of her biscuit. "He kept close watch the entire time, Mama. And plus, I wasn't the only girl present." She added, referring to Daphne.

"It does not matter. A boxing exhibition is no place for any young lady. William, can you please tell them?" Lady Bennet told her husband.

Lord Bennet first looked at his wife, then at Elena and Arthur and then back to his wife. "All is well, my love. Flower here, doesn't seem to have one single scratch on her. Therefore, Arthur took good care of her."

"Mostly Alistair." Arthur mumbled. At that, Elena shot her head at him and harshly kicked his foot from underneath the table, making her brother wince in pain. Lady Bennet always got worked up whenever it came to Alistair and Elena.

"Lord Hawthorn was there?" Lady Bennet asked curiously as she sat back down on her chair. "Oh, how exciting! And he was with you during the whole match?" She asked again and this time got a nod from her daughter. "He's going to propose soon, my darling! I can feel it."

Elena forced herself a fake smile at her mother and nervously drank her tea.

Thomas who wasn't listening or drinking tea, was writing something on a paper. Isabella, who was sitting beside him, took a little peak and Thomas quickly hid it away from her.

"What are you writing?" She asked her brother suspiciously.

"Nothing." Thomas cleared his throat.

"You sit about, writing nothing all day long." Isabella said.

He sighed. "Very well, I am telling Aunt Liana about what an officious little busybody you are." 
What he really was writing, is his confession to Eloise Bridgerton. He couldn't show it to her best friend.

Isabella laughed sarcastically and went back to what she was doing.

Elena excused herself from the table, taking a plate of biscuits and sitting down near the fireplace on her sofa. She picked up her book and proceeded to read until her older brother took a seat beside her, awfully close.

Keeping her eyes on her novel, she spoke up. "You're following me quite a lot today." She sighed. "Thanks to you, all mama is going to think about is me and Lord Hawthorn."

"Well, I figured you deserve it." Arthur said. "After all, it is your fault that Papa now knows about me and Cecilia."

Elena groaned and rolled her eyes. "Why can't you just let it go? You're alive, aren't you? I'm sorry that I ruined your relationship but your fate could've been worse, trust me."

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