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Not everyone is lucky enough to get their happy ending...

Elena had to confront Lord Hawthorne and explain the truth about her feelings. She had always known in her heart that she was in love with another, and that it was wrong for her parents to promise her to him without any permission. As she made her way to Lord Hawthorne's grand manor, her heart raced with nerves and anxiety. She knew that this would not be an easy conversation, but it was one that she felt she had to have.

Now they were both sitting in Lord Hawthorn's study and she had just told him everything. Elena  waited for him to say something as he just stared blankly ahead of him.

Lord Hawthorn deeply inhaled before speaking. "I cannot say that I'm not surprised, I am most definitely surprised." He spoke up, fidgeting with his ring.

"Alistair, I'm so sorry." Elena whispered, feeling every bit of shame. "I really didn't mean for this to happen."

He did not answer right away, instead he stood up from his chair and started pacing around the study. "I'm just having a hard time processing this information. I thought my intentions on becoming your husband were clear and I thought you understood that."

"And I 100% most certainly did." Elena processed, turning the chair around to face him. "You are not in the wrong here."

"Then, why..."

"Because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't bring myself to fall in love with you." Elena spoke up as a few tears started falling out of her eyes,
standing up from her seat as well.

Lord Hawthorn couldn't deny that he was a bit hurt by Elena's harsh words. His feelings for her were true and he wondered what he could've possibly done wrong for her not to like him.

"I tried to forget about Mr. Bridgerton, I really did." Elena cried, holding onto her stomach as she didn't feel so well. "I thought by spending more time with you, I'd learn to fall in love with you. A nice, handsome, warm hearted man who cares for me and who my parents respect."

"Well then, why couldn't you?" Alistair eagerly asked, taking her hands into his.

"Because when I'm with Benedict I feel like I don't need to hide who I am and when I'm with you I feel like someone totally different."

Alistair was not used to being on the receiving end of such honesty, and her words left him speechless for a moment. His face dropped as he slowly digested her words, trying to comprehend what it was that she was trying to tell him. It was clear that something was deeply affecting Elena, and he knew that he needed to handle this situation with care.

"Please try to find it in your heart and forgive me." Elena whispered, trying to meet his gaze as he looked away.

But he quickly regained his composure and replied. "Perhaps the reason you feel the need to hide who you are is because you fear my judgement, Elena. But I assure you that I would never judge you for being your true self." Alistair said and cupped her face.

The Living Portrait of Benedict BridgertonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin